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Overage pricing


Overage pricing

The overage charge model is applied only to usage-based charges. This charge model allows your customer to get a certain quantity of units for free (these are the included units). If your customer exceeds the quantity of included units, the amount used over the included units is charged on a per-unit basis based on the overage price. An example of this would be a cell phone plan, where the basic package includes up to 500 minutes, but overage is charged for any usage above 500 at $0.50 per unit.

Overage charge models are often used in conjunction with a recurring charge. For example, a cell phone plan may charge $59.99 per month (that is a recurring charge), which includes 500 minutes for free, plus $0.50 per unit (that is an overage model usage charge).

Note that the included units cannot be prorated.