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View standalone charge line item details in Zuora Billing


View standalone charge line item details in Zuora Billing

After a standalone invoice or consolidated invoice is created, you can view detailed information about standalone charge line items through the Zuora UI, REST API, or Data Query.

View standalone charge line items through the Zuora UI

To view detailed information about standalone charge line items through the Zuora UI, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Billing > Invoices.
  2. On the All Invoices page, search for and click the invoice that you want to view detailed information about.
  3. On the invoice details page, view the detailed information about standalone charges in the Invoice Details area.
  4. In the Included Non-Subscription Items table, view the detailed information about each standalone charge.

The following table lists the fields included in the Included Non-Subscription Items table for each standalone charge line item.

Field Description
Charge Date The date of the standalone charge line item.
Charge Name The name of the standalone charge line item.
Service Date The service date of the standalone charge line item.
Quantity The quantity of the service included in the standalone charge line item.
Amount The amount of the standalone charge line item.
Discount The discount amount of the standalone charge line item.
Tax The tax amount of the standalone charge line item.
Total The total amount of the standalone charge line item.

View standalone charge details through the REST API

You can use the List all items of an invoice operation to view detailed information about standalone charge line items included in a standalone or consolidated invoice.

To view detailed information about standalone charge line items included in a standalone or consolidated invoice through the Zuora REST API, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the value of the invoiceId path parameter that you need for viewing detailed information about standalone charge line items included in a standalone or consolidated invoice.
  2. Use the List all items of an invoice operation to view detailed information about the standalone charge line items included in a standalone or consolidated invoice.

The following sample API response displays detailed information about standalone charge line items included in a standalone or consolidated invoice:

Request GET /v1/invoices/{invoiceId}/items 
Response body
  "invoiceItems": [
      "id": "2c92c8fb7ae2ed7b017ae5d464ac693c",
      "subscriptionName": null,
      "subscriptionId": null,
      "serviceStartDate": "2021-07-27",
      "serviceEndDate": null,
      "chargeAmount": 10.000000000,
      "chargeDescription": null,
      "chargeName": "Consulting service",
      "chargeId": null,
      "productName": "Test Product",
      "quantity": 1.000000000,
      "taxAmount": 0.000000000,
      "unitOfMeasure": "",
      "IntegrationId__NS": null,
      "IntegrationStatus__NS": null,
      "InvoiceDetails_Date_Optional__c": null,
      "InvoiceDetails_Date_Required__c": null,
      "InvoiceDetails_Picklist_Optional__c": null,
      "InvoiceDetails_Picklist_Required_Default__c": "invItem_first",
      "InvoiceDetails_Text_Optional__c": null,
      "InvoiceDetails_Text_Required_Default__c": "Invoice Details Default Text",
      "SyncDate__NS": null,
      "chargeDate": "2021-07-27 00:00:00",
      "chargeType": "OneTime",
      "processingType": "Charge",
      "balance": 10.000000000,
      "appliedToItemId": null,
      "taxationItems": {
        "data": []
      "availableToCreditAmount": 10.000000000,
      "unitPrice": 10.000000000,
      "bookingReference": null,
      "itemType": null,
      "purchaseOrderNumber": "",
      "revRecCode": null,
      "revRecTriggerCondition": null,
      "revenueRecognitionRuleName": "Recognize upon invoicing",
      "recognizedRevenueAccountingCode": null,
      "deferredRevenueAccountingCode": null,
      "accountingCode": null,
      "productRatePlanChargeId": "2c92c8fb7ac2863a017ac2cef11c1bb2",
      "sku": "SKU-00000553",
      "taxCode": "",
      "taxMode": "TaxExclusive",
      "description": ""
  "success": true

View standalone charge charge line items through Data Query

You can also use Data Query to view detailed information about standalone charge line items.

To view detailed information about standalone charge line items through Data Query, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Extension Studio > Data Query.
  2. On the Data Query page, click Create New Data Query.
  3. On the Create Data Query page, enter a SQL query into the text box. For example:
    SELECT * 
     invoiceitem ii,
     invoice inv
    WHERE ii.invoiceid =
    AND inv.InvoiceNumber = 'INV00001508'
    AND inv.AccountId = '2c92c8fb7ae2ed67017ae5c126a361ea'

After the sample data query request is submitted, the following query result is returned:

   "accountid": [
   "accountingcode": "",
   "updateddate": [
   "itemtype": null,
   "invoicedetails_text_optional__c": null,
   "productid": null,
   "chargeamount": 10,
   "taxamount": [
   "invoicedetails_picklist_optional__c": null,
   "createdbyid": [
   "revrecstartdate": null,
   "revenuerecognitionrulename": "Recognize upon invoicing",
   "defaultpaymentmethodid": null,
   "taxmode": "TaxExclusive",
   "billtocontactsnapshotid": [
   "amendmentid": null,
   "serviceenddate": null,
   "productrateplanid": null,
   "chargename": "Consulting service",
   "recognizedrevenueaccountingcodeid": null,
   "soldtocontactsnapshotid": [
   "revrectriggercondition": null,
   "invoicedetails_date_required__c": null,
   "rateplanid": null,
   "productrateplanchargeid": "2c92c8fb7ac2863a017ac2cef11c1bb2",
   "bookingreference": null,
   "createddate": [
   "invoicedetails_text_required_default__c": "Invoice Details Default Text",
   "id": [
   "balance": [
   "soldtocontactid": "2c92c8fb7ae2ed67017ae5c1270e61eb",
   "description": "",
   "invoicedetails_picklist_required_default__c": "invItem_first",
   "invoiceid": "2c92c8fb7ae2ed7b017ae5d4647d693b",
   "subscriptionid": null,
   "taxcode": "",
   "servicestartdate": "2021-07-27",
   "taxexemptamount": [
   "journalentryid": null,
   "parentaccountid": null,
   "appliedtoinvoiceitemid": null,
   "purchaseordernumber": "",
   "rateplanchargeid": null,
   "revreccode": null,
   "updatedbyid": [
   "deferredrevenueaccountingcodeid": null,
   "quantity": 1,
   "billtocontactid": "2c92c8fb7ae2ed67017ae5c1270e61eb",
   "chargedate": "2021-07-27T00:00:00-07:00",
   "uom": "",
   "unitprice": 10,
   "processingtype": "0",
   "sku": "SKU-00000553",
   "invoicedetails_date_optional__c": null,
   "accountreceivableaccountingcodeid": "2c92c8fb78cab6260178cf845e9d3d85",
   "includesrecurring": true,
   "invoice_date_required__c": null,
   "sourceid": null,
   "transferredtoaccounting": null,
   "invoice_picklist_optional__c": "inv_first",
   "taxmessage": null,
   "paymentamount": 0,
   "source": "API",
   "postedby": null,
   "adjustmentamount": 0,
   "invoicedate": "2021-07-27",
   "invoicenumber": "INV00001508",
   "duedate": "2021-08-26",
   "syncdate__ns": null,
   "lastemailsentdate": null,
   "status": "Draft",
   "invoice_text_required_default__c": "Invoice Default Text",
   "comments": "",
   "amount": 10,
   "includesusage": true,
   "integrationstatus__ns": null,
   "refundamount": 0,
   "autopay": false,
   "invoice_text_optional__c": null,
   "entity__c": "STD",
   "invoicenumber__c": null,
   "reversed": false,
   "targetdate": null,
   "includesonetime": true,
   "integrationid__ns": null,
   "posteddate": null,
   "taxstatus": "Complete",
   "invoice_picklist_required_default__c": "inv_first",
   "amountwithouttax": 10,
   "creditbalanceadjustmentamount": 0,
   "invoice_date_optional__c": null