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Migrate from Avalara Connector to Avalara Integration


Migrate from Avalara Connector to Avalara Integration

The Avalara Connector is a legacy solution that is not part of the current tax connector apps. Some existing tenants use the Avalara Connector.

This article is for Zuora customers who currently use the legacy Avalara Connector solution and want to migrate to the Avalara integration. 

Migrate from the Avalara Connector

This feature is in Limited Availability. If you want to have access to the feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support

The Avalara Connector calculates tax rates in batches during bill runs and invoice item adjustments, however, this method has a number of limitations. Zuora customers who use the Connector are encouraged to migrate to the real-time Avalara integration.

Do the following to start using the Avalara integration:

  1. Log in to the Zuora and click your username at the top right and navigate to  Administration > Manage User Role. Select Billing Role from the drop-down, and disable the Cancel Invoice permission.
  2. Connect Zuora to Avalara by following these steps Set up Connection to Avalara
  3. Create your tax codes in Zuora by following the steps in this guide: Configure Avalara Tax Codes in Zuora Billing. It is important that the value in the Avalara Tax Code field in Zuora Billing is identical to the one defined in Avalara. The Tax Code Name in Zuora can be the same as the one currently use with the connector, but this is not essential.
  4. Disable the Bill Run Completion email notification. You no longer need to be notified when a bill run completes in order to manually trigger Avalara batch calls, as these will be performed automatically.
    1. Navigate to Extension Studio > Events & Notifications in the left navigation menu.
    2. Locate the Completed Status notification defined on the Billing Run Completion event and click the Edit icon icon-edit-gray.png.
    3. Toggle off Active and click Save.

Remove Avatax for Zuora Quotes for Salesforce

If you use Avalara to calculate taxes from Zuora Quotes, and have migrated to the Avalara Integration, you no longer need the Quote Sales Tax button to manually request taxes on your quote forms. The Avalara Integration has enhanced the subscribe() with preview call to request tax calculations from Avalara automatically. To remove the button from Zuora Quotes:

  1. Remove the Quote Sales Tax button from all of your layouts
  2. Remove the Zuora2AvaTax4SF package from your installed packages

Remove the Quote Sales Tax button

To remove the Quote Sales Tax button from all your layouts:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click the Quotes tab in the top menu, then click Edit by the name of any quote to enter the quote detail view.
  3. Click Edit Layout to enter the layout editor.
  4. In the Quote Layout drop-down select a layout that contains the Quote Sales Tax button. If the layout contains the button it will be visible in the green Quote Sample section below.
  5. Click and drag the Quote Sales Tax button up and out of the Quote Sample section, and into the blue Quote Layout section.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat for all other layouts that contain the Quote Sales Tax button.

Remove the Zuora2AvaTax4SF package

You must remove the Quote Sales tax button from all your layouts before attempting to uninstall the Zuora2AvaTax4SF package from Zuora Quotes. 

To uninstall the package:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click your username and select Set Up in the drop-down.
  3. On the left bar in the Application Setup section, click Installed Packages.
  4. Locate the Zuora2AvaTax4SF package in the list, and click Uninstall.
  5. Check Yes and then click Uninstall

If the error unable to uninstall package is displayed, there is still a dependency on the Zuora2AvaTax4SF package. It is likely that the Quote Sales Tax button is still on one or more of your layouts.