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Using Data Tables

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Using Data Tables

This section provides information on using data tables efficiently. Once you have selected the template and navigated to the Summary Statement screen, perform the following steps:

  1. Drag and drop a Data Table block to your temple.
  2. Select the Data Table to view the Content side-pane. 
  3. Select the Payments option from the drop-down list under the Accounts option.
  4. Click Add in the Columns section and perform the following:
    1. Select EffectiveDate from the Field drop-down list.
    2. Click the Advanced Options toggle.
    3. Use the Localise function, for example, {{EffectiveDate|Localise}}.
    4. Configure the header as required, for example, Effective Date.
    5. Click Save.
  5. Click Add in the Sort By section and perform the following:
    1. Select EffectiveDate from the Field drop-down list.
    2. Select ASC in the Order drop-down list.
    3. Click Save.
    4. Click Add in the Sort By section.
    5. Select PaymentNumber from the Field drop-down list.
    6. Select ASC in the Order drop-down list.
    7. Click Save.
  6. Click Add in the Filter section and perform the following:
    1. Select Status from the Field drop-down list.
    2. Select > in the Operator drop-down list.
    3. Enter Processed in the Value field.
    4. Click Save.
    5. Select EffectiveDate from the Field drop-down list.
    6. Select >= in the Operator drop-down list.
    7. Enter  _StartDate in the Value field.

      : _StartDate is a system built-in variable and it displays the start date of the selected date range.

    8. Click Save.
    9. Select EffectiveDate from the Field drop-down list.
    10. Select < in the Operator drop-down list.
    11. Enter  _EndDate in the Value field.

      _EndDate is a system built-in variable that automatically extends the end date of the chosen date range by one day. When you select a date range in the UI, such as from 2024-01-01 to 2024-03-31, the built-in variable _EndDate is automatically set to 2024-04-01.

    12. Click Save.