Booking Transaction object fields and Data Query
You can perform a query from the booking transaction object through Data Query. For information about the basic usage of Data Query, see Construct SQL Queries in Data Query.
Booking Transaction fields
The following table lists all the fields that are defined on the booking transaction object. You can access the booking transaction object and all its fields through Data Query.
Field name | Format | Description |
deleted | Boolean | Indicates whether this record has been removed. |
Id | String | The ID of the booking transaction. |
CreatedById | String | The ID of the Zuora user who created this booking transaction. |
CreatedDate | Timestamp | The date and time when the booking transaction is created. |
UpdatedById | String | The ID of the Zuora user who updated the booking transaction. |
UpdatedDate | Timestamp | The date and time when the booking transaction is updated. |
TransactionType | String | The transaction type of the booking. |
TransactionSubType | String | The sub transaction type of the booking. |
OrderID | String | The ID of the order that triggers the change. |
OrderNumber | String | The number of the order that triggers the change. |
AmendmentID | String | The ID of the amendment that triggers the change. |
AmendmentNumber | String | The number of the amendment that triggers the change. |
TransactionDate | Date | The date of the transaction. |
SubscriptionOwnerID | String | The ID of the subscription owner the related charge belongs to (snapshot). |
SubscriptionOwnerAccountNumber | String | The account number of the subscription owner the related charge belongs to (snapshot). |
SubscriptionInvoiceOwnerId | String | The invoice ID of the subscription owner the related charge belongs to (snapshot). |
SubscriptionInvoiceOwnerAccountNumber | String | The invoice account number of the subscription owner the related charge belongs to (snapshot). |
SubscriptionId | String | The unique ID of the subscription. |
OriginalSubscriptionId | String | The original ID of the subscription. |
SubscriptionNumber | String | The number of the subscription. |
SubscriptionVersion | BigInt | The version number of the subscription. |
RatePlanId | String | The unique ID of the rate plan. |
RatePlanChargeId | String | The unique ID of the rate plan charge. |
RevenueRecognitionTiming |
String | The type of revenue recognition timing. |
RevenueAmortizationMethod |
String | The type of the revenue amortization method. |
ChargeNumber | String | The unique number that identifies the charge. |
OriginalRatePlanChargeId | String | The original ID to identify the rate plan charge. |
ChargeSegment | Integer | The identifying number of the charge segment. |
ChargeType | String | The type of the rate plan charge. |
ChargeModel | String | The charge model that determines how to evaluate charges. |
OriginalOrderDate | Date | The original order date of the rate plan charge. |
AmendedByOrderOn | Date | The date when the original subscription or order is created. |
ProductId | String | The unique ID of a product. |
ProductName | String | The name of the product. |
ProductSku | String | The unique SKU for the product. |
ProductRatePlanId | String | The unique ID to identify the product rate plan. |
ProductRatePlanName | String | The name of the product rate plan. |
ProductRatePlanChargeId | String | The unique ID to identify the product rate plan charge. |
ProductRatePlanChargeName | String | The name of the product rate plan charge. |
CurrencyCode | String | The currency code associated with the transaction. |
HomeCurrencyCode | String | The home currency code associated with the entity. |
FxRate | Decimal | The FX rate on the transaction booking date. |
DeltaCcv | Decimal | The delta metrics reflect the delta of this segment with the same segment in the previous version (same segment #). For the new segments, the metrics value of the previous version is assumed as 0. |
PreviousCcv | Decimal | The CCV value for the segment in the previous version of the subscription. |
CurrentCcv | Decimal | The CCV value for the segment. |
DeltaElp | Decimal | The delta value of the ELP for the segment before and after the change. |
PreviousElp | Decimal | The ELP value for the segment in the previous version of the subscription. |
CurrentElp | Decimal | The ELP value for the segment. |
DeltaQuantity | Decimal | The delta value of the quantity for the segment before and after the change. |
PreviousQuantity | Decimal | The quantity for the segment in the previous version of the subscription. |
CurrentQuantity | Decimal | The quantity for the segment. |
PreviousStartDate | Date | The start date of the segment in the previous version. |
CurrentStartDate | Date | The start date of the segment in the current version. |
PreviousEndDate | Date | The end date of the segment in the previous version. |
CurrentEndDate | Date | The end date of the segment in the current version. |
DeltaTermDuration | Integer | The duration of the delta term. |
ContractLiabilityAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the contract liability. |
ContractRecognizedRevenueAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the contract recognized revenue. |
ContractAssetAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the contract asset. |
AdjustmentLiabilityAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the adjustment liability. |
AdjustmentRevenueAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the adjustment revenue. |
UnbilledReceivablesAccountNumber | String | The accounting number for the unbilled receivables. |
DiscountLevel | String | The discount level of the charge. |
DiscountPercentage | String | The discount percentage of the charge. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanId | String | The discount applied to the rate plan ID. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeId | String | The discount applied to the rate plan charge ID. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeName | String | The discount applied to the rate plan charge name. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargenumber | String | The discount applied to the rate plan charge number. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeStartDate | Date | The discount applied to the start date of the rate plan charge. |
DiscountAppliedToRatePlanChargeEndDate | Date | The discount applied to the end date of the rate plan charge. |
DiscountAppliedToContractLiabilityAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the contract liability. |
DiscountAppliedToContractRecognizedRevenueAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the contract recognized revenue. |
DiscountAppliedToContractAssetAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the contract asset. |
DiscountAppliedToAdjustmentLiabilityAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the adjustment liability. |
DiscountAppliedToAdjustmentRevenueAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the adjustment revenue. |
DiscountAppliedToUnbilledReceivablesAccountNumber | String | The discount applied to the accounting number for the unbilled receivables. |
AmendmentReason | String | Indicates how the term size, quantity, and unit price of a rate plan charge have changed from the previous version. |
GlobalFxRate | Decimal | The global FX rate on the transaction booking date. |
OrderLineItemCategory | String | The item category of the order line item. |
OriginalSalesOrderLineItemID | String | The original sales order ID of the order line item. |
BillingRule | String | The billing rules of the order line item. |
ChargeOLICreateDate | Timestamp | Subscription: The creation date of the rate plan charge. OLI: The creation date of the order line item. |
ChargeOLIUpdateDate | Timestamp | Subscription: The update date of the rate plan charge. OLI: The update date of the order line item. |
ItemName | String | Subscription: The name of the rate plan charge. OLI: The name of the order line item. |
CustomerName | String | The name of the customer. |
CustomerNumber | String | The number of the customer. |
CustomerID | String | The unique value that is assigned to identify the customer. |
InlineDiscountAmount | Decimal | The discount amount of the order line item. |
SalesOrderNumber | String | The number of the sales order. |
SalesOrderLineNumber | String | The line number of the sales order. |
SalesOrderLineID | String | The line ID of the sales order. |
AmendmentType | String | The type of the amendment that triggers the change. |
OriginalTermStartDate | Date | The original term start date of the rate plan charge. |
OriginalChargeCreateDate | Timestamp | The original start date when the rate plan charge is created. |
OriginalChargeSegmentCreateDate | Timestamp | The original start date when the rate plan charge segment is created. |
AmendmentCreateDate | Timestamp | The date when the amendment is created. |
SubscriptionLastBookingDate | Date | The last booking date of the subscription. |
CompanyCode | String | The code of the company. |
ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting | Boolean | The booking item excluded from the revenue account. |
ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting | Boolean | The billing item excluded from the revenue account. |
SubscriptionTermStartDate | Date | The start date of the subscription current term. |
SubscriptionTermEndDate | Date | The end date of the subscription current term. |
SubscriptionCreatorAccountID | String | The account ID who creates the subscription. |
TermNumber | Integer | The term number when a charge segment is first introduced. |
ValidityPeriodNumber | Integer | The validity period number for each charge segment. |