Manage subscriptions, orders, and amendments for customer accounts
A subscription is a collection of one or more charges for products and services that have been purchased by a customer. Typically, subscription charges are recurring, but they can be one-time or usage-based charges (for example, metering for the number of minutes used on a cell phone plan). Amendments are changes made to an active subscription. This article describes the Subscriptions and Amendments view from a customer account.
Use amendments
Creating and amending subscriptions in the Zuora Billing UI is:
- Only relevant for existing Subscribe and Amend customers who have not transitioned to Orders or Orders Harmonization. Any new customers will not see this UI.
- Restricted if you are an existing Subscribe and Amend customer and have enabled Order Metrics only. See Known Limitations in Orders and Order Metrics.
You can create amendments to do the following:
- Change the terms and conditions of a contract
- Add or remove a product from a subscription
- Update an existing product (for example, update price or quantity)
- Renew a subscription in advance of the auto-renewal date
- Suspend a subscription (This is in Limited Availability.)
- Resume a subscription (This is in Limited Availability.)
Manage subscriptions, amendments, and orders
You can view subscriptions, amendments, or orders tied to a customer account on the account details page. You can also create a new subscription, amendment, or order from this page.
Perform one of the following tasks depending on the tenant type you are using.
Manage subscriptions and amendments in the Subscribe and Amend tenant
If you are a Subscribe and Amend tenant user, complete the following steps to view subscriptions or amendments tied to a customer account.
- On the account details page, navigate to the Subscriptions & Amendments section.
- Click one of the following tabs. Each tab displays subscriptions or amendments in descending order of the last modified dates.
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
You can sort the subscriptions by clicking "Sort" at the bottom of this section. In a new window that opens, click the up or down arrow above subscription numbers, and then click Close to apply the change.
- Subscriptions-Invoiced
- Pending Amendments
- All Amendments
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
- (Optional) If you want to view all subscriptions or amendments tied to the customer account, click "View All" at the bottom of the tab to view them on a new page.
- In the tab or the new page, click a subscription number or amendment number to view details.
From the bottom of the Subscriptions & Amendments section, you can create a subscription or amendment.
Do one of the followings:
- Click Create New Subscription in the Subscriptions-Owned or Subscriptions-Invoiced tab.
- Click Create New Amendment in the Pending Amendments or All Amendments tab.
For more information, see Creating Subscriptions and Create an Amendment.
Manage subscriptions, orders, and amendments in the Orders Harmonization tenant
If you are an Orders Harmonization tenant user, complete the following steps to view subscriptions, orders, or amendments tied to a customer account.
- On the account details page, navigate to the Orders & Subscriptions section.
- Click one of the following tabs. Each tab displays subscriptions, orders, or amendments in descending order of the last modified dates.
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
You can sort the subscriptions by clicking "Sort" at the bottom of this section. In a new window that opens, click the up or down arrow above subscription numbers, and then click Close to apply the change.
- Subscriptions-Invoiced
- Orders
- Pending Amendments
- All Amendments
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
- at the bottom of the tab to view them on a new page. (Optional) If you want to view all subscriptions, orders, or amendments tied to the customer account, click "View All"
- In the tab or the new page, click a subscription number, order number, or amendment number to view details.
From the bottom of the Orders & Subscriptions section, you can create a subscription or order :
- Click Create New Subscription in the Subscriptions-Owned tab.
- Click Create Order in the Orders tab.
For more information, see Orders Tutorials.
Manage subscriptions and orders in the Orders tenant
If you are an Orders tenant user, complete the following steps to view subscriptions or orders tied to a customer account.
- On the account details page, navigate to the Orders & Subscriptions section.
- Click one of the following tabs. Each tab displays subscriptions or orders in descending order of the last modified dates.
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
You can sort the subscriptions by clicking "Sort" at the bottom of this section. In a new window that opens, click the up or down arrow above subscription numbers, and then click Close to apply the change.
- Subscriptions-Invoiced
- Orders
- Subscriptions-Owned (displayed by default)
- (Optional) If you want to view all subscriptions or orders tied to the customer account, click "View All" at the bottom of the tab to view them on a new page.
- In the tab or the new page, click a subscription number or order number to view details.
From the bottom of the Orders & Subscriptions section, you can create an order by clicking Create Order in the Orders tab. For more information, see Orders Tutorials.
The monthly recurring revenue (MRR) is a key metric for subscription businesses and represents the Monthly Recurring Revenue for a subscription, order, or charge. The MRR calculates subscription fees normalized to a monthly value, and does not include one-time or usage fees. See Monthly Recurring Revenue for more information about MRR.
TCV is the amount of revenue that a subscription generates in its first term, assuming the subscription is not yet renewed. The first term, also known as the initial term, and TCV do not define the billing period of the subscription. However, the initial term can have an effect on invoicing if your customer does not renew the subscription is not renewed and you try to invoice your customer past the subscription's first term.