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Edit invoice schedules


Edit invoice schedules

The Billing Schedule feature is generally available. You can enable this feature in Sandbox environments with the self-serve interface. For more information, see Enable billing features by yourself. If you want to enable this feature in your Production environments, contact your Zuora account team for assistance.

After an invoice schedule is created and before it is fully processed, you can edit the invoice schedule and its schedule items to meet your business requirements.

If you update the run date of an invoice schedule item or delete an invoice schedule item, the next run date of the corresponding invoice schedule is automatically updated to the run date of the next pending invoice schedule item.

To edit an invoice schedule in Pending or Partially Processed status through the REST API, use the Update an invoice schedule operation.


You must have the Do Bill Runs For Multiple Accounts permission when editing invoice schedules. Otherwise, the auto-generation of bill runs for the invoice schedules will fail. See Billing Roles for more information.

Edit invoice schedules through the Zuora UI

To edit an invoice schedule in Pending or Partially Processed status through the Zuora UI, perform the following steps:

  1. In the left navigation section, navigate to Customers > Orders.
  2. On the Orders page, click the number of the order associated with the invoice schedule that you want to edit.
  3. On the order details page, click the number of the invoice schedule that you want to edit in the basic information section.
  4. On the invoice schedule details page, click Edit in the upper right.
    The Edit Invoice Schedule page is displayed.
  5. In the basic information section of the Edit Invoice Schedule page, edit the orders associated with the invoice schedule.
    The orders can be edited only when the invoice schedule is in Pending status.
    1. Click the "Edit" link next to the order number displayed in the Order Number field.
    2. In the Change Orders popup window, enter the numbers of the orders that you want to associate the invoice schedule with in the Order Numbers (separated with comma) text box.
    3. Click Done to save the order number changes.
      The orders associated with the invoice schedule are updated, and the value of the Total Amount field is refreshed accordingly.
  6. In the Schedule Items section, manage the invoice schedule items contained in the invoice schedule:
    • To edit an existing invoice schedule item, specify a new run date in the On field and a new billing amount in the Bill field in the corresponding row.
    • To delete an existing invoice schedule item, click the Remove this schedule item icon.
    • To add an invoice schedule item, click + Add, and then specify the run date in the On field and a billing amount in the Bill field in the displayed row.
  7. Click Save Updates to save the changes.

The invoice schedule is updated accordingly.

Update invoice schedules through the REST API

You can use the Update an invoice schedule operation to update invoice schedules in the following aspects:

  • Update notes and pending invoice schedule items
  • Update orders associated with invoice schedules
  • Remove or add invoice schedule items

When updating invoice schedules through the REST API, keep the following restrictions and limitations in mind:

  • For the invoice schedule items that you want to update, you must include the new values for these items in the request.
  • For the invoice schedule items that you want to keep unchanged, you must include all the existing information about these items in the request. Otherwise, the existing invoice schedule items that you do not mention in the request are deleted.
  • For the orders that you want to keep unchanged for an invoice schedule, you must include all the existing order numbers associated with the invoice schedule in the request. Otherwise, the existing orders that you do not mention in the request are removed.

To update an invoice schedule through the REST API, perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the unique ID or number of the invoice schedule that you want to update, and enter the ID or number as the value of the scheduleKey path parameter.
  2. Determine the information that you want to update for the invoice schedule.
  3. Use the Update an invoice schedule operation to send a request to update the invoice schedule.

Update notes and pending invoice schedule items

You can use the Update an invoice schedule operation to update the notes and pending invoice schedule items of an invoice schedule

For example, if an invoice schedule has three items, and the first invoice schedule item has been processed, so its run date and amount cannot be updated. In this case, you want to update the notes of the invoice schedule and the run date and amount of the other two pending invoice schedule items. In the request body, you have to include the original run date and amount of the processed invoice schedule item, and new run date and amount of the other two pending invoice schedule items. 

The following table lists a sample API request that updates the notes and pending invoice schedule items of an invoice schedule, and the corresponding response that is returned. 

Request sample Response sample
  "orders": [
  "scheduleItems": [
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aad3797",
      "runDate": "2022-10-03",
      "amount": 500
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aad3798",
      "runDate": "2022-10-08",
      "amount": 180
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aae3799",
      "runDate": "2022-11-03",
      "amount": 120
  "notes": "2020 Billing Schedules - Updated"
  "id": "599f6794cd8544649eff444bac8be8a7",
  "number": "IS-00000143",
  "notes": "2020 Billing Schedules - Updated",
  "status": "PartiallyProcessed",
  "nextRunDate": "2022-10-08",
  "totalAmount": 800,
  "actualAmount": 800,
  "billedAmount": 500,
  "unbilledAmount": 300,
  "scheduleItems": [
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aad3797",
      "amount": 500,
      "actualAmount": 500,
      "status": "Processed",
      "invoiceId": "8a90994d837f085a0183829fda615f68",
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-10-03"
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aad3798",
      "amount": 200,
      "actualAmount": 200,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-10-08"
      "id": "8a90f508837f092c0183824e3aae3799",
      "amount": 100,
      "actualAmount": 100,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-11-03"
  "orders": [
  "specificSubscriptions": [],
  "success": true

Update orders associated with invoice schedules

With the Update an invoice schedule operation, you can update the orders associated with an invoice schedule. Note that if you want to add orders, you must include all the existing orders associated with the invoice schedule and the orders that you want to add in the request.

For example, if an invoice schedule is associated with one order, you can use the Update an invoice schedule operation to associate another one or more orders with the invoice schedule. To achieve this goal, you must include both the existing order associated with the invoice schedule and the orders that you want to add in the request. 

The following table lists a sample API request that adds one more order to an invoice schedule associated with one order, and the corresponding response that is returned. 

Request sample Response sample
  "orders": [
  "scheduleItems": [
      "runDate": "2022-12-03",
      "amount": 1000
      "runDate": "2022-12-08",
      "amount": 300
      "runDate": "2022-12-23",
      "amount": 300
  "notes": "2022 Billing Schedules - Update Orders"
  "id": "e717da75dae645bdb63723d364e8547d",
  "accountId": "8a90c1d47f07e24b017f0811c06a0b8b",
  "number": "IS-00000177",
  "notes": "2022 Billing Schedules - Update Orders",
  "status": "Pending",
  "nextRunDate": "2022-12-03",
  "totalAmount": 1600,
  "actualAmount": 1600,
  "billedAmount": 0,
  "unbilledAmount": 1600,
  "scheduleItems": [
      "id": "8a90f5088459f34f01845a62a33b1787",
      "amount": 1000,
      "actualAmount": 1000,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-03"
      "id": "8a90f5088459f34f01845a62a33c1788",
      "amount": 300,
      "actualAmount": 300,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-08"
      "id": "8a90f5088459f34f01845a62a33c1789",
      "amount": 300,
      "actualAmount": 300,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-23"
  "orders": [
  "specificSubscriptions": [],
  "success": true

Remove and add invoice schedule items

You can also use the Update an invoice schedule operation to remove existing invoice schedule items from the invoice schedule, and add more invoice schedule items to the invoice schedule.

  • If you want to remove an invoice schedule item from an invoice schedule, include the information of all the other invoice schedule items in the request.
  • If you want to add an invoice schedule item to an invoice schedule, include the information of all the existing invoice schedule items and a new item in the request.

The following table lists a sample API request that removes two existing invoice schedule items from an invoice schedule and adds another two invoice schedule items, and the corresponding response that is returned. Endpoint: PUT /v1/invoice-schedules/{scheduleKey}

Request sample Response sample
  "orders": [
  "scheduleItems": [
      "id": "8a90f5088459f34f01845a62a33b1787",
      "runDate": "2022-12-03",
      "amount": 1000
      "runDate": "2022-12-08",
      "amount": 400
      "runDate": "2022-12-23",
      "amount": 200
  "notes": "2022 Billing Schedules - Update Schedule Items"
  "id": "e717da75dae645bdb63723d364e8547d",
  "accountId": "8a90c1d47f07e24b017f0811c06a0b8b",
  "number": "IS-00000177",
  "notes": "2022 Billing Schedules - Update Schedule Items",
  "status": "Pending",
  "nextRunDate": "2022-12-03",
  "totalAmount": 1600,
  "actualAmount": 1600,
  "billedAmount": 0,
  "unbilledAmount": 1600,
  "scheduleItems": [
      "id": "8a90f5088459f34f01845a62a33b1787",
      "amount": 1000,
      "actualAmount": 1000,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-03"
      "id": "8a90876c8459e39601845a65e9121850",
      "amount": 400,
      "actualAmount": 400,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-08"
      "id": "8a90876c8459e39601845a65e9121851",
      "amount": 200,
      "actualAmount": 200,
      "status": "Pending",
      "invoiceId": null,
      "creditMemoId": null,
      "runDate": "2022-12-23"
  "orders": [
  "specificSubscriptions": [],
  "success": true