Apply taxes
Zuora offers four primary solution routes for taxation, which are Zuora Tax, Configurable Tax apps, Direct Avalara Integration, and workaround options.
To enable taxation, ensure Sold To Contacts of Customer Accounts have valid Country names and State/Province names if the country is the United States or Canada.
- Zuora Tax
- Zuora Taxation Module allows you to identify which charges within your product catalog are taxable, calculate taxes based on granular sold-to address details, and specify which customers are tax exempt.
- Configurable Tax apps
- Lists articles about Zuora's configurable Tax apps.
- Overview of Tax apps
- Avalara AvaTax for Sales app
- Avalara for Brazil App
- Avalara AvaTax for Communications app
- Vertex Advantage Tax Connector app v1
- Vertex Advantage Tax Connector app v2
- Vertex O Series Tax Connector app
- Sovos Tax Connector app
- CCH SureTax Connector app
- ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination app
- OAuth 2.0 authentication for configurable tax apps
- ONESOURCE Indirect Tax Determination App V2
- Context object for rendering tax app templates
- Direct Avalara integration
- Describes the benefits of using Avalara, and explains how to configure its integration with Zuora.
- Additional resources on taxes
- Provides an overview of the additional resources on taxes.
- Connect Tax Engines
- Workaround options for tax
- Create taxation items for invoices through API
- Display tax information on invoices
- Configure tax dates
- Create tax exemptions
- Tax Selection for Calculation
- Flexible Tax Mapping
- Generate tax reports
- Compliance with 2015 EU VAT rule changes
- Redistribute Zuora Tax rounding differences
- Rounding rule for inclusive tax mode
- Set up tax codes
- Taxable Item Snapshot
- Tax engine mapping formula