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Configure the E-Invoicing feature

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Configure the E-Invoicing feature

Configuring the E-Invoicing feature includes common configurations and country-specific configurations.

In general, common configurations include the following items:

  • Create an e-invoicing service provider to manage authentication keys.
  • Set up an e-invoicing business region to store seller-specific business information and link the business region to the service provider.
  • Configure the buyer's business and address information, including account e-invoicing profiles and bill-to contacts.
  • Define e-invoice file templates that specify how Zuora data maps to the service provider's requirements.

To integrate with third-party e-invoicing service providers, you must configure the E-Invoicing feature in Zuora.

The steps specific to each country can vary due to the unique e-invoicing regulations and requirements of that country or region. These variations might include configurations on the service provider side, defining field mappings, and understanding the e-invoicing outcomes. For more detailed information on country-specific configurations, see Manage country-specific configurations in Sovos.

The billing documents are submitted to the service provider automatically when they are posted and meet the following conditions:

  • The country of the sold-to contacts associated with the billing documents has a specified business region, indicating that a business region is configured for the same country in e-invoicing settings.
  • The customer accounts that the billing documents belong to have the e-invoicing profile enabled.