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Import customer accounts


Import customer accounts

If you already have a list of your customers from another database (for example,, Excel, QuickBooks, or another source), you can quickly enter data in Zuora system by importing all your customer accounts as a CSV file.

Importing Customer Accounts

To import your customer accounts, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customer Accounts in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Import icon import.png in the upper right of the list. The Import dialog opens.
  3. Select Customer Accounts from the Type list.
  4. Click Choose File to select the CSV file that contains the customer accounts you want to import.
    For more information about the CSV file format, see Required column headers for customer accounts.
  5. Click Import to import customer account data from the selected file.

The imported customer accounts will show up on the Accounts page as draft accounts.

To activate the imported customer accounts, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Customers > Customer Accounts in the left navigation menu.
  2. Import customer contacts for the customer accounts you just imported:
    1. Click the Import icon import.png in the upper right of the list. The Import dialog opens.
    2. Select Contacts from the Type list.
    3. Click Choose File to select the CSV file that contains the customer contacts you want to import.
      You must import at least one contact for each customer account because Bill To Contact and Sold To Contact are required when you activate draft accounts.
      For more information about the CSV file format, see Required column headers for customer contacts.
    4. Click Import to import custom contact data from the selected file.
    When the operation is completed, you can find the imported contacts under the associated customer accounts.
  3. Update and activate the imported customer accounts:
    1. Click the Import icon import.png in the upper right of the list. The Import dialog opens.
    2. Select Customer Accounts from the Type list.
    3. Click Choose File to select the CSV file for updating the imported customer accounts. The required columns for activating draft accounts are as follows:
      • Sold To: The format is Last Name, First Name of the contact.
      • Bill To: The format is Last Name, First Name of the contact.
      • Payment Term
      • Batch
      • Status: Active
    4. Click Import to update and activate the customer accounts.

You can find the status of the customer accounts you just imported are updated from Draft to Active.

  • If you are not sure about the column headers in the CSV file, click Download a Template to get the templates for customer accounts, contacts, and payment methods. These templates contain all available column headers. For the required columns, refer to Required Column Headers
  • Characters in languages other than English might be garbled. If it happens, save the CSV file in UTF-8 without BOM encoding and import the file again.
  • You can also use the same way to import contacts and payment methods. Remember that the customer account ID is required for each contact and each payment method. To obtain the appropriate customer account IDs for contacts and payment methods, export the customer accounts that you previously imported by clicking Export Customer Accounts. In the exported CSV file, do a lookup to combine the contacts and payment methods with the customer account IDs.

Required Column Headers

When you import a file, the first row (cell A horizontal) must have a specific set of headers.

The column headers for customer accounts, contacts, and payment methods are listed below. 

Customer Accounts

The following headers are available when you import the customer account information. The headers in bold are required and must have values provided. Also, see here for the required fields. Other headers are optional.

  • Id: Auto-generated 32-character ID for the account, not the account number. Example: aa1010101d1cf385011d21d4b44d00a0As this field is auto-generated, you do not need to provide any value for this required field.
  • Customer Name
  • Account Number: Unique number assigned to the account. If configured in Zuora, can be auto-generated and prefixed. Example: CA00001122
  • Sold To: If you do not want to update the value of the Sold To contact, do not include this column in the import file.
  • Bill To: If you do not want to update the value of the Bill To contact, do not include this column in the import file.
  • CRM Account ID
  • Auto-Pay
  • Default Payment Method: If you do not want to update the value of the Default Payment Method, do not include this column in the import file.
  • Payment Term
  • PO Number
  • Allow Invoice Editing
  • Batch
  • Bill Cycle Day: To set the bill cycle day automatically, specify Auto-set (case-sensitive) in this column. See Auto-set Option for more information. 
  • Invoice Delivery By Email
  • Invoice Delivery By Print
  • Account Balance
  • Currency
  • Status
  • Description
  • Created By
  • Updated By
  • Created On
  • Updated On
  • Sales Rep
  • CSR
  • Last Invoiced
  • Notes
  • Custom Field
  • Required Custom Field

For Customer Accounts, the following fields are required fields: 

  • Id
  • Customer Name
  • Bill Cycle Day
  • Required Custom Field

Customer Contacts

The following headers are available when you import the customer contact information. The headers in bold are required and must have values provided. Also, see here for the required fields. Other headers are optional.

  • Id
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Nick Name
  • Work Email
  • Personal Email
  • Work Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Home Phone
  • Other Phone
  • Other Phone Type
  • Fax
  • Country
  • Address 1
  • Address 2
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Postal Code
  • Customer Account
  • Created By
  • Updated By
  • Created On
  • Updated On
  • Is Bill To
  • Is Sold To
  • County
  • Tax Region
  • Description
  • The customer account must have a unique name, that is, the combination of the first name and the last name. If a customer already has a contact with that name, subsequent contact records with the same name are rejected as duplicates even if other column values are different. When duplicates occur, the message saying "Contact already exists with this name <first+' '+last>. Are you sure you want to save?" is displayed. This message is only informational. If multiple contacts are rejected during the import, the message might appear multiple times in the result. To solve this problem, the indicated contacts must be manually entered, created with the SOAP contact object, or imported again after you can change the names to avoid collisions. It is highly recommended to check for duplicated names before you import the file of contacts.
  • The Customer Account is the account ID of the customer. This column is required to import the contact information. To obtain the appropriate customer account IDs for contacts, export the customer accounts that you previously imported by clicking Export Customer Accounts. In the exported CSV file, do a lookup to combine the contacts with the customer account IDs.
  • (Zuora Tax users only) Although the country column is not required by the import, using Zuora Tax requires that sold-to contacts must include a country and a state or province, if the country is USA or Canada.

For Customer Contacts, the following fields are required fields:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Customer Account

Payment Method

The following headers are available when you import the customer contact information. The headers in bold are required and must have values provided. Also, see here for the required fields. Other headers are optional.

  • Id 
  • Customer Account
  • Payment Method Type
  • Credit Card Type
  • Credit Card Number
  • Bank Identification Number
  • Expiration Year
  • Expiration Month
  • Credit Card Holder Name
  • Credit Card Address1
  • Credit Card Address2
  • Credit Card Country
  • Credit Card State
  • Credit Card City
  • Credit Card Postal Code
  • Last Transaction
  • Last Transaction Time
  • Created By
  • Updated By
  • Created On
  • Updated On
  • Is Default
  • Consecutive Failed Payments
  • Status
  • Email
  • Phone

For Payment Method, the following fields are required fields:

  • Customer Account
  • Payment Method Type

Using the Zuora UI Template for the Account and Contact Combiner

The following tables show the mapping relationship between the headers in the template that is downloaded from the Zuora Billing UI and the fields in the template for the Account and Contact API loader. 

Account's fields from the UI template Fields in the template for the Account and Contact loader


(used to associated the two files)

Customer Name

Account Name

Account Number

Account Number

Sold To


Bill To


CRM Account ID

CRM Account ID



Default Payment Method


Payment Term

Payment Term

PO Number

PO Number

Allow Invoice Editing

Allow Invoice Editing



Bill Cycle Day

Bill Cycle Day

Invoice Delivery By Email

Invoice Delivery By Email

Invoice Delivery By Print

Invoice Delivery By Print

Account Balance








Created By


Updated By


Created On


Updated On


Sales Rep

Sales Rep



Last Invoiced




Payment Gateway

Payment Gateway


Parent Account ID

Ultimate Parent



Contact's fields from UI's template Fields in template for  AC loader



First Name

First Name

Last Name

Last Name

Nick Name

Nick Name

Work Email

Work Email

Personal Email

Personal Email

Work Phone

Work Phone

Mobile Phone

Mobile Phone

Home Phone

Home Phone

Other Phone

Other Phone

Other Phone Type

Other Phone Type





Address 1

Address 1

Address 2

Address 2




State Province

Postal Code

Postal Code

Customer Account

(used to associated the two files)

Created By


Updated By


Created On


Updated On


Is Bill To

Is Bill To

Is Sold To

Is Sold To



Tax Region

Tax Region


Contact Description