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Amend subscriptions


Amend subscriptions

Amendments allow you to make changes to an active subscription. When you create an amendment, you create a new version of the subscription. The subscription information is copied to the new version and the Subscription detail page lets you view all previous versions of the subscription.

Creating and amending subscriptions in the Zuora Billing UI is:

Use an amendment to make the following changes to a subscription:

  • Add or remove a product
  • Change the terms and conditions of a contract
  • Change owner of subscription invoices to different account
  • Update an existing product (for example, update price or quantity)
  • Upgrade or downgrade a product
  • Renew a subscription in advance of the autorenewal date
  • Suspend a subscription
  • Resume a subscription
  • Cancel a subscription

The following sections provide the basic information you need to work with amendments:

Amendment date

Amendment date is the date when the amendments take effect. Amendment dates operate the same as the subscription trigger dates. You need to specify the following dates to trigger an amendment:

Contract effective date
The date when the amendment changes become effective.
Service activation date
The date when the amendment service is activated.
Customer acceptance date
The date when the customer accepts the amendment's changes to the subscription.

Amendment types

Each amendment type describes an action you can take to modify an existing subscription. Zuora Billing provides the following types of amendments:

New Product
Add additional products or services to the existing subscription. See Add a product for more information.
Remove a Product
Remove a product from an existing subscription. See Remove a product for more information.
Terms and Conditions (T&Cs)
Extend or shorten the initial term or renewal term of the subscription. See Change a subscription's terms and conditions for more information.
Autorenew a subscription before the next renewal term start date. See Renew a subscription for more information.
Update a Product
Update the charge information, including the price or quantity of a product in the existing subscription. See Update a product for more information.
Upgrade or Downgrade a Product
Upgrade or downgrade a product. Use Remove Product and Add Product amendments to upgrade or downgrade a product. See Upgrade or downgrade a product for more information.
Owner Transfer
Configure a subscription in an account to be rated and billed by a billing run initiated from a different account. This is typically used to create a hierarchical billing situation for larger companies with many departments, divisions, or subsidiaries. See Change the owner of a subscription for more information.
Suspend a Subscription 
Pause an active subscription temporarily and bring it back to active status later. See Suspend a subscription for more information.
Resume a Subscription
Return a suspended subscription back to active status. See Resume a subscription for more information.

Amend a subscription that already has a future-dated amendment

Future-dated amendments take effect at a future date. You can create future-dated amendment on the subscription. Zuora also supports creating certain types of amendments as long as subscriptions are activated before the existing future-dated amendment on the subscription. 

The amendment with an effective date before existing future-dated amendment may refer to any of the following:

Amendment Date Amendment Type

Trigger date

  • Add Product
  • Remove Product
  • Update Product

New term end date

  • Terms and Conditions
  • Renew

Cancellation date

Cancel amendments

Day of amendment

Owner Transfer

Suspend date Suspend
Resume date Resume

The following table shows the type of amendments that can be created (Supported Amendment Type) when a certain type of future-dated amendment already exists on the subscription (Existing Future-dated Amendment Type). This table describes the supported amendments and their future-dated amendments on the same product and on the same subscription. 

  Existing Future-dated Amendment Type    
Supported Amendment Type Add Product Remove Product Update Product Terms and Conditions Renewal Owner Transfer Cancel Suspend Resume
Add Product N/A N/A N/A checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Remove Product N/A xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Update Product N/A





checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Terms and Conditions checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Renewal N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Owner Transfer checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png
Cancel checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png





checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png





checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png xmark.png checkmarkGreen_xsm.png N/A


  • checkmarkGreen_xsm.png (check mark): Zuora supports this amendment.
  • xmark.png  (cross mark): Zuora does not support this amendment.
  • N/A: This amendment is not applicable.


Amendment fields

Every amendment type shares the following fields. Click to see a description of the field.

Amendment Name
You can name your amendment anything you would like. However, it can be helpful to use a name that describes the purpose of the amendment. For example, "Raise price to $100" or "Upgrade: Add 2 Seats".
Subscription Version 
The subscription version is automatically generated by Zuora Billing. Each amendment creates a new version of the subscription, which incorporates the changes made in the amendment.
Change Description
Use this to include notes to describe the amendment. This information is optional.
Effective Date
The date on which amendment changes take effect. This is also the date of the contract which governs the amendment. If the amendment becomes effective prior to the end of the last invoiced service period, any change in pricing will be reflected on the next invoice as an incremental charge to be collected or a credit owed to the customer.
Amendment Code
The amendment code works in the same way as the subscription number: It is a unique alphanumeric number identifying the amendment, and it is auto-generated by Zuora Billing. Unlike the subscription number, the amendment code cannot be overridden nor replaced with a custom amendment number. The amendment will be visible once the amendment type is selected and saved.
Amendment Type 
The type of amendment that you are creating.
Booking Date
The date when the amendment is signed. This field is to standardize the booking date information to increase audit ability and traceability of data between Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue. It is mapped as the booking date for a sale order line in Zuora Revenue.

Limits on subscription amendments

Zuora recommends that you create no more than 100 amendments on a subscription to ensure high performance of the subscriptions. The limit of amendments allowed on a subscription is 1000. However, if you create more than 100 amendments, the performance may be severely degraded, depending on the products and charges set up in your subscription. 

The limit of subscriptions allowed on an account is by default 12,000. However, if you have overridden the value of this limit for your tenant, the value will remain per your configuration.

If the renewal term period of the latest version of the subscription is Day or Week, the limit of amendments allowed on a subscription is 100.

View the amendment history

The Subscriptions detail page includes a list of amendments made to a subscription. To view the Subscriptions detail page, click Subscriptions in the left-hand navigation bar, then click the name of a subscription.

The Version field shows the version history of the subscription, including the amendments that created each version. For example, this following subscription has three versions. Amendment A-AM00000001 created the second version of the subscription. Amendment A-AM00000002 was created on 1/14/2013 (described in detail in Change History) and created the third version of the subscription.

Amendment information

To view subscription amendments:

  • Click the amendment ID (A-AM00000001 or A-AM00000002) to view the amendment details.
  • Click the number of the previous subscription versions (in this case, 1 or 2) to view that version of the subscription.

Expectations of Handling Amendments by Billing - Revenue Integration

As Zuora Billing and Zuora Revenue have different policies and requirements, some expectations are applicable to the Billing - Revenue Integration feature when handling amendments:

  • Amendment of removing products that happens in an already billed period cannot be supported for discount charges. It might cause a mismatch between billing and booking values.
  • The amendment for quantity upsell in Zuora Billing cannot be treated as a new revenue contract or a new POB in Zuora Revenue.

Note that the new solution, the Order to Revenue feature does not have these limitations.