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Create amendments through Mass Order Entry


Create amendments through Mass Order Entry

Creating and amending subscriptions in the Zuora Billing UI is only relevant for existing Subscribe and Amend customers who have not transitioned to Orders or Orders Harmonization. Any new customers will not see this UI.

The Mass Order Entry feature lets you create multiple subscription amendments by uploading data in a comma-separated value (CSV) file containing subscription, account, and catalog data.

Upload Amendments

To create the upload file, we recommend that you download the template and reference files from Zuora.

  1. First, download the template file.
    1. Navigate to Subscriptions.
    2. On the right side of the Zuora interface, click Mass Order Entry Template to download the file (MassOrderEntryTemplate.csv). Note that some of the columns that appear in the file depend on your tenant settings and whether you are using custom fields.
  2. Next click Export Mass Order Entry to download the subscription information.

    The Export Mass Order Entry functionality is deprecated and not available by default. See Data Exports. As an alternative, you can export subscription information by exporting data from the Subscription data source and related data sources. See Generate a Data Source Export for more information.

  3. Next, download customer account information.

    1. Navigate to Customer Accounts.
    2. On the right side of the Zuora interface, click Export Customer Accounts and download the file.

    The Export Customer Accounts functionality is deprecated and not available by default. See Data Exports. As an alternative, you can export customer account information by exporting data from the Account data source and related data sources. See Generate a Data Source Export for more information.

  4. Next, download product catalog information.

    1. Navigate to Product Catalog.
    2. On the right side of the Zuora interface, click Export Product Catalog and download the file (ExportProductCatalog.csv).

    The Export Product Catalog functionality is deprecated and not available by default. See Data Exports. As an alternative, you can export product catalog information by exporting data from the Product data source and related data sources. See Generate a Data Source Export for more information.

Next, assemble the CSV data file and upload it to Zuora. For details on the fields in the template, see the Mass Order Entry Fields table below.

  1. Enter data from the subscription, customer accounts, and product catalog files into the mass order entry template. This is commonly done in a spreadsheet application. Be sure to save it as a CSV file, not a spreadsheet file.
  2. Then upload the file to Zuora:
    1. Navigate to Subscriptions and click Mass Order Entry.
    2. Click Browse to navigate to the file, then click submit.

Note that you should use UTF-8 to encode the CSV file.

Note about very large exports

The Export Mass Order Entry file is a large file that contains every subscription and amendment in your Zuora tenant. Zuora limits this file to 200,000 records.

Zuora recommends uploading up to 400 records per file for improved processing.

If your tenant has more than 200,000 records, Zuora returns the following error:

<timestamp> The total number of records to be exported exceeds the maximum limit of 200000, 
please contact customer support to complete the export request. 

You can use the Subscription data source to export larger volumes of subscription data. 

Submit a request at Zuora Global Support if you require additional assistance.

Mass Order Entry Fields

The following table describes the information that you can enter in the Mass Order Entry template.

The template you download may not include all the fields listed below, depending on which features your tenant is using. Also, if your tenant uses custom fields for Rate Plan Charges, the custom fields are included in the template.


Column Required? Description

(custom fields)


If you have created custom fields for Rate Plan Charge, download the template after creating them, and they will automatically appear in the template.

Subscription Code


Subscription Number (unique value). If there is more than one charge in the subscription, enter Prev for any subsequent lines for that subscription. Example: aA-S00000127

Subscription Version


Leave this empty.

Account Number


Leave this empty.

Order Type


String defining the amendment type. Enter this information in the first line of the amendment only.  If there is more than one charge in the amendment, please leave any subsequent lines empty for that amendment. Possible values are:

  • New Product: Add a product type of amendment.

  • Update a Product: Update a product of type amendment. 

  • Remove a Product: Remove an existing product type of amendment. 

  • Renewal: Renew a subscription in advance of the next renewal term start date. 

  • Terms and Conditions: Change the terms of a subscription.

  • OwnerTransfer: Transfer the subscription to a different owner. Requires a valid account number for the new owner's account. Note that there is no space in "OwnerTransfer".

  • Cancellation: Cancel a subscription. For this type of amendment, you must specify a Cancel Subscription Date. 

Order Name (amendments only)


Name of the amendment

Initial Term


Initial Term of the new Subscription. Only required for Terms and Conditions Amendment. Set to 1 or greater.  If term type is EVERGREEN, must be empty.

Renewal Term


Renewal Term of new Subscription. Only required for Terms and Conditions Amendment. Set to 1 or greater.  If term type is EVERGREEN, must be empty.

Term Commitment


Leave this empty.



Specifies whether to automatically renew this subscription at the end of the term. Only required for Terms and Conditions Amendment.  Possible values are true, false.

  • TRUE if you want your subscription autorenew after the initial term expires. This is only applicable to TERMED subscriptions. For EVERGREEN subscriptions, leave empty.

Term Start Date


Start of of the new subscription term, also used as the basis of renewal date. Only required for Terms and Conditions Amendment - otherwise leave empty.

  • Enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY

  • If left empty, it will default to the Contract Effective Date once the subscription has been imported to Zuora.

Save as Draft


Leave this empty.

Contract Effective Date


Effective Date of the amendment, as MM/DD/YYYY

Service Activation Date


Activation Date of the amendment, as MM/DD/YYYY

Customer Acceptance Date


Date upon which the customer will accept the amendment, as MM/DD/YYYY

Cancel Subscription Date


Required if Order Type is Cancellation. Otherwise leave empty.

  • Date upon which the Subscription will be canceled.

  • Enter a date in the format MM/DD/YYYY

  • This corresponds to the Cancellation Effective Date in the Zuora UI.

Product SKU


Product SKU

  • As entered in the product catalog. Using the extract of the product catalog, use an appropriate value from the SKU field on the Product tab.

  • Example: SKU-00000107

Product Name


Product Name

  • As entered in the product catalog. Using the data sources extract of the product rate plan charge (which includes data on the product, rate plan, and rate plan charge), use a value from the Product: Name field. It should correspond to the SKU.

  • Example: Ultimate Screen Capture

Rate Plan ID


Internal Zuora rate plan ID

  • Enter the rate plan ID, or leave empty. If left blank, this will be updated by Zuora based on the rate plan name provided in the next column.

  • Using the data sources extract of the product rate plan charge (which includes data on the product, rate plan, and rate plan charge), use the value from the Product Rate Plan ID field.

  • Example: 4028e6963716432e013733b3aaf36ea9

Rate Plan Name


Rate plan name

  • As entered in product catalog.

  • Using the data sources extract of the product rate plan charge (which includes data on the product, rate plan, and rate plan charge), use the value from the Product Rate Plan Name field.

Rate Plan Component ID


Internal Zuora Rate Plan ID

  • Enter the rate plan charge ID, or leave empty. If left blank, this will be updated by Zuora based on the charge name provided in the next column.

  • Using the data sources extract of the product rate plan charge (which includes data on the product, rate plan, and rate plan charge), use the value from the Product Rate Plan Charge ID.

  • Example: 4028e6963716432e013733b5b29273f3

Charge Name


Product Rate Plan Charge Name

  • As entered in the product catalog. 

  • Enter the charge name

  • Using the data sources extract of the product rate plan charge (which includes data on the product, rate plan, and rate plan charge), use the value from the Product Rate Plan Charge: Name.

Charge Description


Charge description. Leave empty or enter the charge description as it appears in the product catalog.



Price being charged.  Numeric with two decimal places. Example: 12345.67.



Units being charged

  • Number only

  • Enter if applicable to the charge type you are using. Some charges do not require Quantity.

# Periods To Prepay


Leave this empty.

Overage Included Units


Leave this empty.

  • Enter if applicable to the charge type you are using.

Overage Price


Leave this empty.

  • Enter if applicable to the charge type you are using.

Overage (Smoothing) # Periods


Leave this empty.

Accounting Code


Accounting code associated with your acting system.

Revenue Recognition Code


Enter the Revenue Recognition Code as configured on the charge line.

Revenue Recognition Trigger Date


Enter the Revenue Recognition Trigger Date as configured on the charge line.

Possible values are as follows:

  • Contract Effective Date
  • Service Activation Date
  • Customer Acceptance Date

Subscription Term Type



Overage Credit Back Option


Leave this empty.

Overage Credit Back Rate


Leave this empty.

Invoice Separate


Leave this empty. Also, this column may not be present in the template you download, depending on your tenant setting for the option "Enable Subscriptions to be Invoiced Separately". You cannot modify the "Invoice Separate" field through the Mass Order Entry feature. To modify it, you can use the Update a subscription operation.

Price Change Option


Leave this empty.

Price Increase Percentage


Leave this empty.

Use Discount Specific Accounting Code


Leave this empty.

Invoice Account Number


Leave this empty.

Destination Account Number


Leave this empty.

Destination Invoice Account Number


Leave this empty.

Usage Record Rating Option


Leave this empty.

Sample File

See the sample file, MassOrderAmendSAMPLE.csv.