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Revenue Schedule FAQs


Revenue Schedule FAQs

This article provides answers to frequently asked questions about revenue schedules.

When is there a Subscription Charge and no Revenue Schedule?

Some revenue schedules were not created and are shown as unavailable, the following table describes possible reasons and recommended actions.


Recommended Action

This charge has not yet been billed.

With a billings based revenue recognition model, Zuora automatically creates Revenue Schedule whenever an invoice is posted or an invoice item adjustment is made.

You can perform a bill run to create invoices and the associated Revenue Schedules.

Revenue Automation Start Date is not set.

After the Revenue Automation Start Date is set, Zuora will start managing Revenue Schedules for newly-created transactions.

To set the Revenue Automation Start Date, go to Finance Settings > Configure Revenue Automation Start Date.

Invoice items and invoice item adjustments for this charge have transaction dates that are before the Revenue Automation Start Date.

Zuora will only automatically manage Revenue Schedules for transactions with transaction dates on or after the Revenue Automation Start Date.

For information on manually creating Revenue Schedules for invoice items and invoice item adjustments, see Create Revenue Schedules for Existing Transactions.

Invoice items and invoice item adjustments for this charge were created before the Revenue Automation Start Date is set.

Zuora will only manage Revenue Schedules for transactions created after the Revenue Automation Start Date is set. Zuora will not retroactively create Revenue Schedules for existing transactions, even if their transaction dates fall on or after the Revenue Automation Start Date.

For information on manually creating Revenue Schedules for invoice items and invoice item adjustments, see Create Revenue Schedules for Existing Transactions.

This is a pre-payment charge.

Zuora does not manage Revenue Schedules for pre-payment charges.

Revenue Schedule is currently being created.

If a transaction for this charge has just been created, we might be in the process of creating the Revenue Schedule. 

Please wait a few moments and check back later.

Non-Subscription Items Revenue Recognition Rule is not set. Please configure Revenue Recognition Rule for Non-Subscription Items in Finance Settings. For more information on managing Revenue Recognition Rule see Manage Revenue Recognition Rules.

When is there an Invoice Item and no Revenue Schedule? 

On the invoice details page, some invoice items show their revenue schedules as Not Created. The following table describes the reasons and recommendation actions.


Recommended Action

Revenue Automation Start Date is not set.

After the Revenue Automation Start Date is set, Zuora will start managing Revenue Schedules for newly-created transactions.

To set the Revenue Automation Start Date, go to Finance Settings > Configure Revenue Automation Start Date.

The transaction date (e.g. invoice date) is before the Revenue Automation Start Date.

Zuora will only manage Revenue Schedules for transactions with transaction dates on or after the Revenue Automation Start Date.

For information on manually creating Revenue Schedules for invoice items and invoice item adjustments, see Create Revenue Schedules for Existing Transactions.

The transaction was created before the Revenue Automation Start Date is set.

Zuora will only manage Revenue Schedules for transactions created after the Revenue Automation Start Date is set. Zuora will not retroactively create Revenue Schedules for existing transactions, even if their transaction dates fall on or after the Revenue Automation Start Date.

For information on manually creating Revenue Schedules for invoice items and invoice item adjustments, see Create Revenue Schedules for Existing Transactions.

A Custom Revenue Recognition Rule is used.

Zuora does not automatically create Revenue Schedules for transactions if a Custom Revenue Recognition Rule is used.

The transaction is a pre-payment charge (or credit).

Zuora does not manage Revenue Schedules for pre-payment charges (or credits).

Revenue Schedule is currently being created.

If this transaction has just been created, we might be in the process of creating the Revenue Schedule.

Please wait a few moments and check back later.

When and how is a Revenue Schedule Deleted?

When you delete customer accounts, invoices, invoice item adjustments, subscriptions, or new product amendments, their associated revenue schedules are also deleted.

When a revenue schedule is deleted:

  • All revenue events and revenue items that belong to the revenue schedule are deleted.
  • The revenue schedule is removed from the charge revenue summary. If the only revenue schedule in a charge revenue summary is deleted, the charge revenue summary is also deleted.

You cannot delete customer accounts, invoices, invoice item adjustments, subscriptions, or new product amendments with revenue schedules that have revenue recognized in a closed accounting period.

How are Amendments Handled?

Amendments impact the revenue schedule amount for schedules using billing-based recognition rule models. See How Amends Impact Revenue Schedules for more information.

What happens to my Revenue Distribution if I don't have enough Accounting Periods?

There are situations where not enough accounting periods are available for all the revenue to be distributed. Therefore, the remaining revenue that would have been distributed in future accounting periods was placed in an open-ended accounting period. The recognition start date for the open-ended accounting period is the next day after the recognition end date of the last open accounting period.

To fix this issue, more accounting periods need to be created or you need to manually distribute the remaining revenue into open-accounting periods. 

When you create new accounting periods, for automatic rules, we will automatically take the revenue out of the open-ended accounting period and distribute it into the new open accounting periods. Zuora recommends at least 5 years of accounting periods to be created ahead of time. See Accounting Periods for information on how to create accounting periods. 

When the revenue recognition start date is before your first accounting period start date, the revenue will not be distributed automatically. Instead, it will be put into the open-ended accounting period. As a result, you will need to distribute the revenue manually.