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Create Revenue Schedules


Create Revenue Schedules

The Create Revenue Schedules mass action allows you to mass create revenue schedules for subscription charges, invoice items, and invoice item adjustments. This reference describes the columns supported in the upload file and the columns added to the response file. See Mass Updater for more information.


This mass action has the following prerequisites:

  • You must be a Zuora Finance - Revenue user.
  • You must have the Create Custom Revenue Schedule Zuora Finance permission.

Upload File Columns 

The following table describes the columns supported in the upload file.

If Invoice Settlement Harmonization is enabled, you can see the following behavior mappings in the harmonization phase of Invoice Adjustments, Invoice Item Settlement, and Invoice Settlement:

  • Legacy Invoice Adjustment/Invoice Item Adjustment (IA/IIA) + Invoice Settlement(IS)
  • Legacy Invoice Adjustment/Invoice Item Adjustment (IA/IIA) + Invoice Item Settlement(IIS)

The Credit Memo Item and Debit Memo Item transaction types are only applicable if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature.

The Invoice Settlement feature is generally available as of Zuora Billing Release 296 (March 2021). This feature includes Unapplied Payments, Credit and Debit Memos, and Invoice Item Settlement. If you want to have access to the feature, see Invoice Settlement Enablement and Checklist Guide for more information. After Invoice Settlement is enabled, the Invoice Item Adjustment feature will be deprecated for your tenant.

Column Required? Description
Group ID Optional

ID of the group that the record belongs to. If a record with a Group ID fails, any subsequent records in that group will not be processed.

Type: string

Character limit: 255

Subscription Charge Key

Required if a Linked Transaction Key is not specified.

ID or number of the subscription charge you want to create this revenue schedule for. For example, C-00000149.

The charge must use a custom unlimited revenue recognition rule.

See Manually Create Revenue Schedules for Subscription Charges for more information.

Type: string

Character limit: 32

Linked Transaction Type


Type of transaction you want to create this revenue schedule for. 

Valid values are:

  • Invoice Item
  • Invoice Item Adjustment
  • Credit Memo Item (only available if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature)
  • Debit Memo Item (only available if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature)

Type: enum

Character limit: 100

Linked Transaction Key


ID or number of the following transactions that you want to create this revenue schedule for: 

  • Invoice Item
  • Invoice Item Adjustment
  • Credit Memo Item (only available if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature)
  • Debit Memo Item (only available if you enable the Invoice Settlement feature)

See Create Revenue Schedules for Existing Transactions for more information.

Type: string

Character limit: 32

Revenue Schedule Date

Required for external revenue schedule

Effective date of the revenue schedule. The date cannot be in a closed accounting period. 

The date must be in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

Type: date

Revenue Schedule Reference ID


Reference ID associated with the revenue schedule. This optional ID is used to link the revenue schedule to an external transaction or entity.

Type: string

Character limit: 60

Revenue Schedule Amount

Required for external revenue schedule

Amount of revenue you want to recognize with this revenue schedule.

Type: decimal

Recognized Revenue Accounting Code


Recognized revenue accounting code that you want to associate with the subscription charge.

The accounting code must be active in your Zuora chart of accounts.

If you leave this field blank, Zuora uses the recognized revenue accounting code from the subscription charge.

Type: string

Character limit: 100

Deferred Revenue Accounting Code


Deferred revenue accounting code that you want to associate with the subscription charge.

The accounting code must be active in your Zuora chart of accounts.

If you leave this field blank, Zuora uses the deferred revenue accounting code from the subscription charge.

Type: string

Character limit: 100

Revenue Schedule Notes


Notes you want to associate with the revenue schedule.

Type: string

Character limit: 2,000

Revenue Schedule:<Custom Field>


Custom field you have defined on the revenue schedule. You can enter any value you have defined for the custom field.

You can add any number of columns for custom fields.

Type: string

Revenue Event Type


System ID or label of the revenue event type that describes the creation of this revenue schedule.

The revenue event type must be active in Finance Settings > Revenue Event Types.

Type: string

Character limit: 60

Distribution Type


How you want to distribute the revenue. Enter one of the following values:

  • Manual: Fixed Amount
  • Ratable: Daily Distribution
  • Ratable: Monthly Distribution (Front Load)
  • Ratable: Monthly Distribution (Back Load)
  • Ratable: Monthly Distribution (Proration by Days)

See Components and Configuration Options for more information about Front Load, Back Load, and Proration by Days for Monthly Distribution.

To use any of the Monthly Distribution options, you must enable the Monthly recognition over time model in Finance Settings > Manage Revenue Recognition Models.

Type: enum

Character limit: 60

Recognition Start

Required if you use a ratable Distribution Type

Start date of the revenue recognition period. Zuora creates a Revenue Schedule distributing revenue between Recognition Start and Recognition End dates.

The date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Type: date

Recognition End

Required if you use a ratable Distribution Type

End date of the revenue recognition period.

The date must be in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Type: date

Revenue Event Notes


Additional information about the revenue event.

Type: string

Character limit: 2,000

Revenue Event:<Custom Field>


Custom field you have defined on the revenue event. You can add any number of columns for custom fields.

Type: string

<Accounting Period>

At least one Accounting Period is required if you use a manual Distribution Type

Accounting periods into which you want to distribute revenue. You can add any number of columns for accounting periods.

Enter the amount of revenue to distribute into the accounting period.

To prevent the possibility of over-distributing revenue, you can configure the following accounting rule to No:

Allow a Revenue Schedule to have negative amount in Open-Ended Accounting Period

See Configure Accounting Rules for more information about this rule.

Type: decimal

Response File Columns

The following table describes the columns added to the response file.

Column Description


  • Returns Y if the record was successful.
  • Returns N if the record failed.
  • Remains blank if the record was not processed.

Revenue Schedule Number

Revenue schedule number of the newly-created revenue schedule.

Error Message

Displays a brief description of the error if the record failed.