Test payment gateways
We recommend that you test all your use cases and integrations on the payment gateway using both your payment gateway's test and production (live) environments. Once you have completed testing in the gateway's test environment, it is recommended that you perform a test in your live production environment with a real credit card or account. If there are any differences in the configuration of your testing and production accounts, testing in production ensures your production merchant account is set up properly and can successfully connect to the production environment.
Test card or account information
To test payment processing, you can use the test card or test account information and testing scenarios provided by the gateway vendor on the vendor's documentation website. For your convenience, we provide the links to the corresponding gateway vendor documentation website in the "Testing your configuration" section in Zuora's Knowledge Center article for each gateway integration. Note that these links to the vendor's website are subject to change due to changes made by the vendor. If you find the link in the "Testing your configuration" section is broken, please send feedback to us by clicking the Feedback button.
Troubleshooting payment errors in Zuora Central Sandbox
If you encounter payment errors when you test payment processing in the Zuora Central Sandbox environment, take the following steps to troubleshoot:
- Reconfigure the payment gateway instance with the gateway testing environment information and corresponding credentials.
- Reconfigure the following services that you want to use:
- Payment Method Updater
- Gateway reconciliation
- Payment Pages 2.0
- Close all the payment methods that were copied from the production environment.
- Create the new test payment methods and associate them with your accounts.
- Test the payment run and payments.