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The decision nodes that are available under the User segment title are as follows:

  • Segment
  • Add to Segment

For registered and customer user types, the following decision nodes are also available:

  • User Attribute
  • Registered Date
  • Segment
  • Add to Segment
  • Partial Registration
  • Dynamic Segment
  • Custom Field


Use this decision node to define a decision based on the defined user segments.

Select the user segment to apply from the drop-down menu. The menu options are populated based on the configuration of your user segments.

You must define the user segments as described in the User Segments topic.

Add to Segment

Use this decision point to add users to user segments.

Select the user segment to apply from the drop-down menu. The menu options are populated based on the configuration of your user segments.

You must define the user segments as described in the User Segments topic.

User Attribute

This decision point can only be used for registered and customer user types.

Use this decision node to define a decision based on your defined user attributes.

Select the attribute you want to use in the decision node from the User Attribute drop-down menu.

The fields relating to the user attribute display, depending on the type of user attribute selected. All types include an Is Empty condition, which can be used to determine whether the end user has complete the field. If this option is selected, you cannot enter a value.

The types are as follows:

  • Text
    To complete the dialog box for text user attributes, select the condition to apply to the text from the Condition drop-down menu, and enter the value to test against the condition in the Value text box.
    1. Equals requires an exact match. Matches uses simple pattern matching and can include partial and case insensitive matches and wildcards
    2. If you have existing rules that include legacy User Attributes, the dialog box for all types is the same as the Text type.
  • Date
    Select the condition to apply from the Condition radio buttons.

    If you select Before or After, enter the date in the Date text box.

    If you select Between, enter the start date in the From text box and the end date in the To text box
    Note: You can also select a date using the calendar. To do this, select the calendar icon at the end of the text box.

  • Number
    Select the condition to apply to the text from the Condition drop-down menu, and enter the number to test against the condition in the Value text box.
  • Date & Time
    Select the condition to apply from the Condition radio buttons.

    If you select Before or After, enter the date in the Date text box, select the hour from the Hour drop-down menu and the minute from the Minute drop-down menu.

    If you select Between, enter the start date in the From text box and the end date in the To text box and select the start and end times in the Hour and Minute drop-down menus beneath the date fields.

    By default, the Use Local Time checkbox is unselected. This means that the dates and/or times are taken from the system time. To use the end user’s local time, select the checkbox.

  • Checkbox
    Select the condition to apply from the radio buttons. Select the Checked radio button to base the decision on whether the checkbox is selected. Select the Unchecked radio button to base the decision on whether the checkbox is unselected.
    Note: For checkboxes, the Is Empty option means that the checkbox has not been encountered by the end user. If the end user encounters the checkbox but does not select it, Zephr records the checkbox as Unchecked.
  • Radio Buttons
    Select the condition to apply from the radio buttons. The radio buttons are populated based on the Labels you assigned in the relevant user attribute. Select the label on which you want to base the decision.
    Note: For radio buttons, the Is Empty option means that the radio buttons have not been encountered by the end user. If the end user encounters the radio buttons, Zephr records the selection.
  • Select Lists
    Select the condition to apply from the drop-down menu. The menu options are populated based on the Labels you assigned in the relevant user attribute. Select the label on which you want to base the decision.

Registered Date

Use this node to configure a decision based on the date and time the end users registered.


To configure a Registered Date decision node, take the following steps:

  1. On the top of the Rules Builder Canvas, click User, and then drag the Registered Date node to the canvas
  2. Complete the settings to set up the decision. Note that by default, the local time of the end users will be used. Alternatively, a specific timezone can be chosen for the comparison.

Partially Registered

This decision point can only be used for registered user types.

Use this decision point to check whether the end user is partially registered.

No further configuration is required for this decision node.

For further information on setting up and using partial registration, see the Allow Partial Registration topic.

Dynamic Segment

A Dynamic Segment refers to a group of users meeting specific criteria, such as grants they possess or attributes they exhibit. Utilize this node to set up a decision based on whether the segment is dynamic or static. You can create new segments in the Subscriber IQ > Segments screen.

Billing Account Custom Field

Use this decision node to automate the validation of user data against Zuora custom fields from Zuora Billing, enabling dynamic and personalized rule creation. Before configuring the node ensure that:

  • The custom field name set in Zuora Billing is accurately configured in this node.
  • The custom fields are synchronized from Zuora Billing so they appear in Zephr, using the “/zephr/subscriber/access/sync” endpoint.

The fields available for configuration in the node are:

  • Name - Enter the exact API Name of the field in Zuora Billing that needs to be validated, such as preferredName__c. The API Names in Billing are immutable, must end with the __c suffix, and are configurable within Billing.
  • Type - Select the field type. The available options are number, dates, boolean, and text.
  • Condition - Select one of the following conditions:
    • Equals
    • Starts With
    • Ends With
    • Matches
    • Contains

The condition changes according to the selected type.

  • Value - Specify the value that corresponds to the selected condition. For example, if Equals is selected as the condition, enter the value the field must match. For instance, if the preferred name is set to John in Zuora Billing, select Equals as the condition and enter John as the value.

This setup allows decisions to be made using custom fields like Preferred Name from Zuora Billing. The Mustache templates in custom components allow you to display fields like Preferred Name on your websites, enhancing personalization and functionality. See Create a Custom Component.