Lookup Filter Plugin
Quote Studio provides the capability to apply filter logic using plugins for both managed packaged lookup fields and custom lookup fields established within the Quote Object, including fields like Bill to Contact, Sold to Contact, Opportunity, etc.
Use the ILookupFilter
on the LookupFilterPlugin
component to add filters into Lookup fields that are released with the CPX package. Ex, Sold To Contact, Bill to Contact, Opportunity, etc.
The plugin interface is defined as:
global zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.ILookupFilter
The plugin contains the following interface methods.
Return Type | Method | Input Parameters |
zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter | getFilter | zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest |
All field names are case sensitive.
Field | Description |
objectName | To add “And/or” conditions, the default consideration is an "AND" condition.
For example: (1 OR 2) AND 3 |
List<FilterField> filters | For FilterField, see zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField. |
List<String> searchFields |
Field names to search and display records in Lookup Fields. You can use up to three fields. Once you select a value in Quote Studio, hovering over the lookup field displays all three field values of the selected lookup record. |
Catalog of filters that will sort out records.
Property | Description | Type |
objectName | The object's name for which filtering is required. | String |
fieldName | The name of the field within the object that needs to undergo filtering | String |
fieldValue | The value used for filtering | String or List<String> |
Operator | The operator condition. |
Example Use Cases
Example 1: Filter Contacts with a Type__C value equal to 'SoldTo'
filter.filters.add(new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField('Contact','Type__c', 'SoldTo', zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.Operator.EQUAL));
Example 2: Filter Opportunities where the AccountId matches the accountId of the current Quote
string accountId = (string) request.sourceObject.get('zqu__Account__c'); filter.filters.add(new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField('Opportunity', 'AccountId', accountId, zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.Operator.EQUAL));
The following operators are supported:
All field names are case sensitive.
Field | Description |
filterCondition | The name of the object for which the filter is invoked. Currently, it exclusively supports zqu__Quote__c , ensuring that it always returns zqu__Quote__c . |
fieldName | The name of the field for which the filter is invoked, such as zqu__SoldToContact__c, zqu__Opportunity__c , or any custom lookup field name. |
sourceObject | This field contains the values for which the filter is invoked. It can be utilized to obtain the necessary values for constructing the filter. |
Let's consider a scenario where you intend to filter Opportunities based on the current Quote's account. In this case, you retrieve the account ID using the source object.
string accountId = (string) sourceObject.get('zqu__Account__c');
To activate the Lookup Filter plugin:
- Navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings > Plugins.
- Switch the Lookup Filter Plugin toggle to Active, then add the class name of your custom plugin.
- Click Save.
Sample Code for Lookup Filter Plugin
The following is a code sample for the Lookup Filter Plugin.
/* Create new Picklist field "Type__c" into contact object to store "SoldTo" and "BillTo" type of contact. Object: Contact Field Name: Type__c PickList Value: SoldTo,BillTo */ global with sharing class CustomLookupFilter implements zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.ILookupFilter { global zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter getFilter(zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request) { zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter filter = new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter(); // Add Filter into Sold To Contact Field if (request.objectName == 'zqu__Quote__c' && request.fieldName == 'zqu__SoldToContact__c') { filter = getSoldToContactFilter(request); } // Add Filter into Bill To Contact Field else if (request.objectName == 'zqu__Quote__c' && request.fieldName == 'zqu__BillToContact__c') { filter = getBillToContactFilter(request); } // Add Filter into Opportunity Field else if (request.objectName == 'zqu__Quote__c' && request.fieldName == 'zqu__Opportunity__c') { filter = getOpportunityFilter(request); } return filter; } private zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter getSoldToContactFilter(zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request) { //Filter contact records where Type__c equals to "SoldTo" zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter filter = new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter(); filter.filters = new List<zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField>(); filter.filters.add(new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField('Contact', 'Type__c', 'SoldTo', zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.Operator.EQUAL)); return filter; } private zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter getBillToContactFilter(zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request) { //Filter contact records where Type__c equals to "BillTo" zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter filter = new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter(); filter.filters = new List<zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField>(); filter.filters.add(new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField('Contact', 'Type__c', 'BillTo', zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.Operator.EQUAL)); return filter; } private zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter getOpportunityFilter(zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request) { //Filter Opportunity records where Opportunity account is match with current quotes account. zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter filter = new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter(); string accountId = (string) request.sourceObject.get('zqu__Account__c'); filter.filters = new List<zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField>(); filter.filters.add(new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterField('Opportunity', 'AccountId', accountId, zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.Operator.EQUAL)); return filter; } //Use LookupFilter.filterCondition field to add “And/or” conditions,ex. (1 or 2) and 3, by default it will be considered as an "And" condition. }
Test Class for Lookup Filter Plugin
The following is a APEX test class code sample for Lookup Filter Plugin. You can use the test class to achieve code coverage on the plugin in Salesforce.
@IsTest(SeeAllData=false) public with sharing class CustomLookupFilterTest{ @IsTest public static void testGetFilter() { zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request =new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest(); request.objectName='zqu__Quote__c'; request.fieldName='zqu__SoldToContact__c'; request.sourceObject=new zqu__Quote__c(); CustomLookupFilter pluginObj=new CustomLookupFilter(); zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter lookupFilter=pluginObj.getFilter(request); System.assertEquals(1,lookupFilter.filters.size()); System.assertEquals('Type__c',lookupFilter.filters[0].fieldName); System.assertEquals('SoldTo',lookupFilter.filters[0].fieldValue); request.fieldName='zqu__BillToContact__c'; lookupFilter=pluginObj.getFilter(request); System.assertEquals(1,lookupFilter.filters.size()); System.assertEquals('Type__c',lookupFilter.filters[0].fieldName); System.assertEquals('BillTo',lookupFilter.filters[0].fieldValue); request.fieldName='zqu__Opportunity__c'; lookupFilter=pluginObj.getFilter(request); System.assertEquals(1,lookupFilter.filters.size()); System.assertEquals('AccountId',lookupFilter.filters[0].fieldName); } }
Sample code for Lookup Filter Plugin with search fields.
The following is a sample code for Lookup Filter Plugin with search fields.
public with sharing class LookupFilterPluginExample implements zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.ILookupFilter { public zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter getFilter(zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.FilterRequest request){ zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter filter=new zqu.LookupFilterPlugin.LookupFilter(); //Example Search and display field based on Full_Name__c and Location__c fields if(request.objectName =='zqu__Quote__c' && request.fieldName=='Custom_Contact__c'){ filter.searchFields=new List<string>(); filter.searchFields.add('Full_Name__c'); filter.searchFields.add('Location__c'); } return filter; }}