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Manual journal entries

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Manual journal entries

Business transactions are first recorded in a journal and then transferred to the book of accounts. A manual journal entry (MJE) that is recorded in a company's general journal usually consists of the transaction date, the amounts and accounts that will be debited, and the amounts and accounts that will be credited.

In Zuora Revenue, you must complete certain setups before revenue can be released based on the uploaded MJE. For more information, see MJE setups.

For information about how to upload MJE to Zuora Revenue, see MJE upload. For information about how to fix the data validation errors for an MJE upload, see MJE validation error messages.

After MJE is successfully uploaded, you can approve or reject the MJE. When MJE schedules are created, you can also review or reverse the MJE. For more information, see Approve or reject MJE.

  • MJE setups
    Introduces the MJE related setups in Zuora Revenue, including profiles, accounting setups, and MJE approval rules.
  • MJE upload
    Introduces how to upload MJE to Zuora Revenue for revenue management.
  • MJE validation error messages
    Introduces the error messages that are reported during MJE validation and the corrective actions.
  • Approve or reject MJE
    Introduces how to approve or reject the MJE after schedules are created.