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Overview of Zuora Revenue reports

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Overview of Zuora Revenue reports

Zuora Revenue pre-summarizes data for reporting in a report summarization table. Then, based on the report summarization table, up to 50 columns can be displayed in a report for the selected report layout. All reports default to the open accounting period.

Predefined layouts are provided, which can be copied and then customized based on your preferences. Access to reports is controlled at a role-based level in Zuora Revenue.

Zuora Revenue reports are grouped into the following categories in different tabs when you navigate to Reports > Run Reports.


Report Name Description
Billing RollForward Report

A subset of RC Rollforward Report to display the beginning and ending balances and activities for contractual revenue based on billings.

Billing Waterfall

Displays revenue waterfall data for billed contractual revenue for a particular invoice (rollout at the line level of contract liability balances). It shows the invoice level details of the Contract Liability account balances.

Consumption Usage Waterfall Report Details the usage of Revenue Waterfall for customers who leverage Zuora Consumption Revenue to manage and automate their consumption based revenue recognition. This report also details the usage revenue scheduled by period.
Cost Capitalized Rollforward Report

Displays capitalized cost beginning balances, activities, and ending balances for all cost types. Use this report to reconcile the Capitalized Cost account balances with the GL.

Cost Insight

Displays cost activities, cost on hold, and cost that is not posted for each transaction line in detail by cost type, by period, by quarter, by year or contract to date. Use this report to reconcile the PTD, QTD, YTD cost with the GL.

Disclosure - Contract Level (Deprecated)

Displays revenue activity based on the Prior Liability, Current Liability, Contract Asset type, and revenue from previously satisfied POBs summarized at the Net Contract Level.

Disclosure - Line Level (Deprecated)

Displays revenue activity based on the Prior Liability, Current Liability, Contract Asset type, and revenue from previously satisfied POBs summarized at the Line Level.

Financing Accrual Rollforward

Displays the beginning and ending balances of Interest Accrual Accounts and additions and releases for the interval selected. I

Financing Insight

Displays financing activity by period, quarter, year, or contract inception to date.

Financing Payment Exception Report

Displays unprocessed financing payment schedule information.
Historical Waterfall Report

This report displays revenue data for up to 13 periods from any historical period you choose. Use this report to review period-wise breakdowns of the actual revenue activity. 

Netting Report Displays the CA amount of the revenue contract when netting is performed at the application level.
PSAT/CSAT Line Level Report Displays the revenue from prior/current satisfied POBs at line level for PSAT (priorly satisfied) and CSAT (currently satisfied.)
RC Rollforward Report Displays beginning and ending balances for Contract Asset or Contract Liability accounts, and activities for the selected period. Use this report to reconcile Contract Liability and Contract Asset account balances with the GL.
Revenue Book Comparison Report

Displays a comparison of two revenue books based on ASC 606 or IFRS rules.

Revenue Insight

Displays revenue activities, revenue on hold, and revenue that is not posted for each transaction line in details by period, by quarter, by year or contract to date. Use this report to reconcile the PTD, QTD, YTD revenue with the GL.

Revenue Summary

Displays a revenue summary for the selected period.

Revenue from Prior Period CA/CL Report Provides option to determine the revenue from Prior Period or Current Period Contract Asset or Contract Liability and Unbilled Revenue Balance for the disclosure requirements.
Unbill RollForward Report

A subset of RC Rollforward Report to display beginning and ending balances and activities for contractual revenue that is not billed yet. This report is used for reconciling the Unbilled Receivables account balance with the GL.

Unsatisfied POB Balances

Displays the remaining balances for the unsatisfied or partially satisfied POBs.

VC Insight

Displays variable consideration revenue activities, VC on hold, and VC that is not posted for each transaction line in detail for each VC type by period, by quarter, by year or by contract to date. Use this report to reconcile the PTD, QTD, YTD variable consideration revenue adjustments with the GL.

VC Rollforward Report

Displays variable consideration price adjustments for each VC type and the beginning and ending balances for different period activities. Use this report to reconcile the Unbilled Receivables account balance with the GL.

Waterfall Report

Displays waterfall data of the prior period, current period, and future schedules for revenue, cost, and forecasted revenue. This report can be used for the timing of revenue for unsatisfied or partially satisfied POBs. Use this report to reconcile the revenue or cost for the current period.

Historical Waterfall Report

This report displays revenue data for up to 13 periods from any historical period you choose. Use this report to review period-wise breakdowns of the actual revenue activity. 


Report Name Description
Billing Report

Lists all billings that are associated with revenue contracts in the specified period.

Booking Report

Lists all transaction order line (booking) information for revenue contracts in the specified period.

Consumption Events Report Details the rated usage transactions that are to uploaded to Zuora Revenue for end users and customers who leverage Zuora Consumption Revenue to manage and automate their consumption based revenue recognition.
Cost Transactions

Lists details of all cost transactions in the specified period.

Events Report

Lists all events that are processed in the specified period.

Failed RSSP Transaction Report

Displays all transactions that use residual SSP estimate but fail to meet the RSSP minimum.

Financing Transaction Details Report

Displays the listing of SFC transactions (estimates/actuals) linked to a revenue contract transaction line.
POB Dependencies

Displays information about the performance obligation whose release is dependent on another POB in the contract.

POB(s) Released Report

Displays information about the performance obligation whose revenue is released in the specified period.

Pricing Orders Report

Displays the pricing order details that increase or decrease sales order lines in the specified period.

Reduction Orders Report

Displays details about reduction orders in the specified period.

Revenue Contract Detail Report

Displays details about the filtered revenue contracts including revenue allocation information.

SSP Optimizer Range

Displays the SSP Optimizer range information for an SSP batch, which is generated during the SSP analysis process.

SSP Stratifications

Displays the stratification information that is related to the SSP batch.

Transactions Processing Report

Displays the number of transactions and revenue that is processed in the specified period.

Unreleased POB(s) Report

Lists the performance obligations that have not been fully released.

VC Events Process Report

Displays the processed VC events that are related to VC estimates, actuals, or actual cancelations.

VC Transactions

Lists the variable consideration transactions (VC estimates or VC actuals) that are linked to revenue contracts.


Report Name Description
Accounting Report

Displays detailed information about accounting entries for the specified period.

LT/ST Report Displays the reclass of journal entries of LT/ST for validations. 
MJE Details Report

Displays detailed information about manual journal entries for the specified period.

OnHold Accounting Report

Displays the transactions that are placed on hold for the specified period.

Transfer Accounting Errors Report

Displays the errors that occur during the transfer accounting process and indicates which accounting entries do not pass the validation.

Foreign Exchange

Report Name Description
Period FX Waterfall

Displays waterfall data that use different exchange rates for functional currency and reporting currency for the specified period.

Trial Balance Report

Displays balance information for different accounts in reporting currency that is calculated based on historical rates. The reporting currency is calculated based on the period-end rates for the Balance Sheet account and period average rates for the Income Statement account.

Unbilled Fx Report

Lists the transactions that have different exchange rates for the revenue recognized before billing and for the subsequent invoices to track the potential FX gain and loss. Use this report to understand the impact of revenue recognition reversals on previously unbilled transactions for possible FX gain/loss adjustments.

SOX and Audit

Report Name Description
Approvals Report

Lists pending or approved revenue contract approvals.

Audit Trail Report

Displays the information about system configuration changes in the specified period.

Contract Modification Report

Displays the transaction lines that trigger a contract modification, the contract modification rule triggered, and the retrospective or prospective allocation treatment information.

Cost Stratification

Displays all cost types, stratification fields, and cost formulas that are defined in Zuora Revenue.

Cost Transaction Changes

Displays the cost changes for different cost types in the specified period.

Line Stage Exception Report

Displays the sales order lines that have stage errors occurred when data collection process is run. This report is only applicable when stage validation framework is enabled to display the transaction line and its associated error code and message.

Line Staging Report

Displays the records in the staging table as well as the errors that are associated with the records.

Manual POB Report

Lists the performance obligations that are manually added to revenue contracts.

Manually Created Revenue Contracts

Lists the revenue contacts that are manually created.

Mass Action Batch Report

Lists of mass action changes in the specified period, such as updating attributes, updating accounts, or releasing holds.

Orphan Transactions Report

Lists the orphan transaction lines that are not associated with any revenue contracts.

RC Hold/Release Report

Displays information about the new, pending, or released revenue contract holds.

RC Workbench TimeLine Report

Lists the actions that are manually taken by users on lines, POBs, or revenue contracts in the Workbench for the specified period.

Revenue Contract Move Report

Displays the movement of transaction lines from the original system grouped revenue contracts to the user-defined revenue contracts or between two user-defined revenue contracts.

Role Privileges Report

Lists the user roles and their access to system functions.

SSP Exception Report

Lists transactions for which SSP cannot be derived.

SSP Update Report

Displays the manually edited or updated SSP groups.

User Access Report

Lists the user access information in Zuora Revenue.

User Assignment Report

Displays information about the roles that are assigned to Zuora Revenue users.

User Creation Report Displays track information about the user creation and modification for the specified period.
VC Actions

Displays all VC actions that are taken for different VC types in the specified period, such as VC estimates, reversals, actuals, or VC clearing.

VC Template

Displays information about VC setup.

VC Transaction Changes

Displays the VC changes that are associated with transactions in the specified period.


This tab lists all available reports in Zuora Revenue that are described above.


This tab appears after you add one or more reports to your favorites. Use this tab to quickly access the reports that you frequently need to run. 

For information about how to add a report to your favorites, see Add to Favorites.