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Bundle explosion

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Bundle explosion

In Zuora Revenue, the term, bundle, refers to a group of goods or services that are combined together to define one item for billing. With the bundle functionality, you can upload a bundle definition as a CSV file to Zuora Revenue. After that, Zuora Revenue can automatically expand or explode one single sales order line (parent line) that is uploaded to the system into multiple transaction lines (children lines) based on your bundle definitions.

The selling price, list price, and cost price of the parent line can also be split among children lines based on the split method that you specify in the bundle definition.

Related articles

  • For information about how to upload the bundle definition to Zuora Revenue, see Bundle upload.
  • To understand how Zuora Revenue split one single sales order line for bundle explosion or expansion, find an example in Bundle example.
  • For information about how to update the bundle definition that has been uploaded to Zuora Revenue, see Bundle update.
  • For information about how bundle reclassification can be done in Zuora Revenue, see Bundle reclassification.