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Waterfall Report

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Waterfall Report

To reconcile the Waterfall Report, ensure the following conditions are met:

The listed conditions are applicable only when the waterfall type is NET REVENUE.

  • The Current Period Net Revenue of the Waterfall Report must agree with the following values:
    • The total revenue activity for the period in the Revenue Insight Report
    • The total revenue activity for the period in the Revenue from Prior Period CA/CL Report
    • Total revenue - the Net Change (Cr - Dr) where account type = Revenue, Adjustment Revenue, and any VC Revenue types for the period in the Accounting Detail Report.
  • The total Waterfall amount is the addition of all prior period values and all period activities.
Report name Value in report Matched value Matched report
Waterfall Report Total Revenue Activity Total Revenue Activity Revenue Insight Report
Total Revenue Activity Revenue from Prior Period CA/CL Report
Total revenue - Net Change (Cr - Dr) where account type = Revenue, Adjustment Revenue, and any VC Revenue types for the period Accounting Detail Report
Total Waterfall  Prior period values + all period activities Accounting Detail Report