Global Hub Tax Engine Settings
Create a Global Tax Hub Engine
To create a new Global Tax Hub Engine, see the following request and a sample of 200 response:
HTTP request:
Request body:
{ "name": "Global Tax Hub Engine", "taxEngineType": "GlobalTaxHub", "url": "", "voidUrl": "", "authenticationType": "BasicAuth", "vendor": "AvalaraTelco", "username": "username", "password": "password", "requestTemplate": "mock template",//Will be set to the default template if empty "voidTemplate": "mock template"//Will be set to the default template if empty }
The following fields are required in the request body:
authenticationType -
The username and password are required when the authenticationType is set to Basic Auth.Url
Response body:
{ "id": "402833ec850fae4a01850fb5d039132d", "name": "Global Tax Hub Engine", "taxEngineType": "GlobalTaxHub", "customFieldMetas": [], "vendor": "AvalaraTelco", "authenticationType": "BasicAuth", "username": "username", "url": "", "voidUrl": "", "networkOpenTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "networkReadTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "requestTemplate": "mock template", "voidTemplate": "mock template", "success": true }
Get a Global Tax Hub Engine
To access detailed information about a particular Global Tax Hub engine, you must include the ID of the specific engine as a path parameter. Here's an example of a sample request and the corresponding 200 response:
HTTP request:
Request body:
Response body:
{ "id": "402833ec850fae4a01850fb5d039132d", "name": "Global Tax Hub Engine", "taxEngineType": "GlobalTaxHub", "customFieldMetas": [], "vendor": "AvalaraTelco", "authenticationType": "BasicAuth", "username": “username”, "description": "Test", "url": "", "voidUrl": "", "networkOpenTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "networkReadTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "requestTemplate": "mock template", "voidTemplate": "mock template", "success": true }
Update a Global Tax Hub Engine
To update an existing Global Tax Hub Engine, you must include the ID of the engine as a path parameter. Here's an example of a sample request and the corresponding 200 response:
HTTP request:
Request body:
{ "name": "Global Tax Hub Engine", "url": "", "voidUrl": "", "authenticationType": "OAuth2", "vendor": "AvalaraTelco", "accessTokenUrl": "", "clientId": "clientId", "clientSecret": "clientSecret", "description": "Test", "requestTemplate": "mock template", "voidTemplate": "mock template" }
Do not include the taxEngineType
parameter in the request body.
Response body:
{ "id": "402833ec850fae4a01850fb5d039132d", "name": "Global Tax Hub Engine", "taxEngineType": "GlobalTaxHub", "customFieldMetas": [], "vendor": "AvalaraTelco", "authenticationType": "OAuth2", "url": "", "voidUrl": "", "accessTokenUrl": "", "clientId": "clientId", "networkOpenTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "networkReadTimeoutInSeconds": 60, "requestTemplate": "mock template", "voidTemplate": "mock template", "success": true }
Delete a Global Tax Hub Engine
To delete a specific Global Tax Hub Engine, you must include the ID of the engine as a path parameter. Here's an example of a sample request and the corresponding 200 response:
HTTP request:
Request body:
Response body:
API Fields Description
Property Name | Type | Description |
name | String | The calculated tax amount that is excluded due to the exemption. |
vendor | Enum | The name of the vendor that is currently only supported by the AvalaraBrazil and Taxamo engines. The available values are AvalaraBrazil and Taxamo. |
authenticationType | Enum | The authentication types. The available options are BasicAuth, OAuth2, and PrivateToken. |
taxEngineType | Enum | The type of tax engine, such as GlobalTaxHub for TaxHub. |
url | String | The tax vendor URL for tax calculation. |
voidUrl | String | The tax vendor URL for tax void. |
username | String | The username for accessing the tax URL and tax void URL. This is required only when the authenticationType is Basic | Auth.
password | String | The password for accessing the tax URL and tax void URL. This is required only when the authenticationType is BasicAuth. |
securityToken | String | This is required when the authenticationType is PrivateToken. |
accessTokenUrl | String | The access token URL. This is required only when the authenticationType is OAuth2. |
clientId | String | The client ID. This is required only when the authenticationType is OAuth2. |
clientSecret | String | The client secret ID. This is required only when the authenticationType is OAuth2. |
networkOpenTimeoutInSeconds | Number | The timeout duration (in seconds) for establishing a network connection. |
networkReadTimeoutInSeconds | Number | The timeout duration (in seconds) for reading responses. |
requestTemplate | String | The request template for tax calculation. If left empty, the default template will be applied. |
voidTemplate | String | The request template for tax void. If left empty, the default template will be applied. |
customFieldMetas | Array of objects | This must be defined only if the latest value of custom fields are used, for example,
"customFieldMetas": { "useLatestValue" : true, "customFieldName" : "PicklistCustom__c", "customFieldObjectType" : "Account" } |
requestHeaders | Map | The Request headers. Input the key-value pairs, for example,
"requestHeaders": { "Accept-encoding" : "gzip, deflate, br" } |
responseMappings | Map |
The customized response mapping. Input the key-value pairs, for example, "responseMappings": { "taxRateDescription": "citation" |