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Default Dashboard layout, cards, and datasets


Default Dashboard layout, cards, and datasets

Default cards and datasets are provided in Analytics to make it easier for users to use Analytics. The default cards and datasets are intended to cover the most common use scenarios.

Default Dashboard layout

After Analytics is provisioned for your Zuora tenant, you can see the default Dashboard layout. You can remove cards from the Dashboard, pin new cards to it, or re-arrange the layout. The default Dashboard layout looks like this:


Default cards

Upon the first launch of Analytics, the following cards will be available in your Explorer. You can modify these cards or create new cards.


Active Subscribers

The total number of subscribers with one or more effective rate plan charges in a given period. A subscriber is an account that owns one or more subscriptions.

Active Subscribers.png

Average MRR per Subscriber

The total Net ARR divided by the total number of active subscribers. An active subscriber is defined as a unique Zuora account with at least one effective rate plan charge on the date of measurement.

Average MRR per Subscriber.png

Churned Subscribers

The total number of subscribers who churned each month for the past 12 months. A churned subscriber is defined as a subscription owner account with no effective rate plan charges at the end of a given metric time period who had one or more effective rate plan charges at the end of the prior metric time period.

Churned Subscribers.png

Net Billing

The sum of all billing transactions in a particular time period.

Net Billing.png


The MRR across all accounts, net of subscription-level or charge-level discounts.

Net MRR.png

Net MRR Changes

Period-on-period increase or decrease in Net MRR across all accounts.

Net MRR Changes.png

Net Payments

The period-over-period increase or decrease in payments across all accounts, broken down by type of payment record.

Net Payments.png

New Subscribers

The total number of new subscribers each month for the past 12 months. A new subscriber is defined as a subscription owner account with one or more effective rate plan charges at the end of a given metric time period who had no effective rate plan charges at the end of the prior metric time period.

New Subscribers.png

Standard datasets

Zuora Analytics provides a set of standard datasets (Created by Zuora) that are available for use in your tenant. Datasets created by Zuora do not count toward your dataset usage limits and will not be reflected in the Dataset Usage meter. You can customize these datasets by cloning them or using them as inspiration for new custom datasets that you create from scratch.

Common reasons to customize standard datasets include:

  • Adding Zuora custom fields (especially Account, Subscription or Rate Plan Custom fields) to analyze a metric by one of these often-valuable data dimensions
  • Adding record level fields for accounts (e.g. Account Number and Name), subscriptions (e.g. Subscription Name), or rate plan charges (e.g. Charge Number) to reconcile and explain all metric data to a fine level of granularity



Active Subscriber Count (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Active Subscriber Count metric for the last 12 months. This dataset does not include data fields.


Average Net MRR per Subscriber (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Average Net MRR per Subscriber metric for the last 12 months. USD is selected as the currency for the metric. This dataset does not include data fields.


Billing Activity (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Net Billing metric for the last 12 months. The default currency in your Zuora Billing tenant is selected as the default currency for the metric. This dataset includes the following data fields:

  • Account (Invoice Owner): Billing Batch
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Payment Term
  • Product: ID
  • Product: Name
  • Product: SKU
  • Product Rate Plan: ID
  • Product Rate Plan: Name
  • Rate Plan Charge: Billing Period
  • Rate Plan Charge: Charge Model
  • Rate Plan Charge: Charge Type
  • Subscription: Auto Renew
  • Subscription: Term Type
  • Transaction: Transaction Type


Churned Subscriber Count (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Churned Subscriber Count metric for the last 12 months. This dataset does not include data fields.


Net MRR (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Net MRR metric for the last 12 months. The default currency in your Zuora Billing tenant is selected as the default currency for the metric. This dataset includes the following data fields:

  • Account (Invoice Owner): Billing Batch
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Payment Term
  • Change Attributes: Business Impact
  • Product: ID
  • Product: Name
  • Product: SKU
  • Product Rate Plan: ID
  • Product Rate Plan: Name
  • Rate Plan Charge: Billing Period
  • Rate Plan Charge: Charge Model
  • Subscription: Auto Renew
  • Subscription: Term Type


Net MRR Changes (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Net MRR Changes metric for the last 12 months. The default currency in your Zuora Billing tenant is selected as the default currency for the metric. This dataset includes the following data fields:

  • Account (Invoice Owner): Billing Batch
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Payment Term
  • Change Attributes: Business Impact
  • Product: ID
  • Product: Name
  • Product: SKU
  • Product Rate Plan: ID
  • Product Rate Plan: Name
  • Rate Plan Charge: Billing Period
  • Rate Plan Charge: Charge Model
  • Subscription: Auto Renew
  • Subscription: Term Type


New Subscriber Count (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the New Subscriber Count metric for the last 12 months. This dataset does not include data fields.


Payment Activity (Monthly)

This dataset includes data for the Net Payments metric for the last 12 months. The default currency in your Zuora Billing tenant is selected as the default currency for the metric. This dataset includes the following data fields:

  • Account (Invoice Owner): Auto Pay
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Billing Batch
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Payment Gateway Name
  • Account (Invoice Owner): Payment Term
  • Transaction: Transaction Type
