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Function format


Function format

This article describes the format of validation and formula functions, such as function syntax, parameters, and return values.

Coding language

Custom logic functions are JavaScript (ES11) code snippets that perform data validations or calculations on specific object records. Each function is an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE) linking to a particular object.

For more information about JavaScript and JavaScript functions, see JavaScript and Functions in MDN Web Docs.

Format of validation functions

You can use validation functions to define validation rules on object fields to ensure data accuracy and consistency.

Zuora calls validation functions on the creation or update of a specific object record and uses the record as the only parameter.

The fields that can be used in validation functions vary depending on the object type. For more information, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.


((object_record) => {
    //JavaScript code(validation rules)


The function takes one parameter object_record. This parameter is required and the parameter name is not editable. The parameter name varies depending on the related object type.

The following table lists the parameter names for some common standard and custom objects:

Object name Parameter name
Account account
Product product
Vehicle (custom object) default__vehicle

When a function is called, Zuora provides the context object record as the input value. For example, if the function is called during the creation of an account object record, the parameter name is account, which refers to this specific account object record.

Return value

The return value is an object of the following format:

    success: boolean,
    message?: string
Key Required Value format Description
success Yes Boolean Indicating the running result of the function:
  • true: The data evaluation succeeded. Zuora will create or update the object record.
  • false: The data evaluation failed. Zuora will not create or update the object record.
message No String The message displayed when the data evaluation fails.


((account) => {
    if (account.Country__c === 'United States' && !account.BillingState__c) {
        return {
            success: false,
            message: "Billing State is required for accounts in the United States."
    return { success: true };

In this example, the function checks whether the BillingState__c custom field is specified when the value in the Country__c custom field is United States.

If success is true in the returned object, Zuora will create or update the account object record by using the data from account. If success is false, Zuora will display the following error message and not create or update the account object record.

Billing State is required for accounts in the United States.

With the help of this validation function, you can ensure the BillingState__c custom field is conditionally required every time an account object record is created or updated.

Format of formula functions

You can use formula functions to automate calculations and update object fields.

Zuora calls formula functions on the creation or update of a specific object record and uses the record as the only parameter.

The fields that can be used in formula functions vary depending on the object type. For more information, see Objects and fields supported by Custom Logic.


((object_record) => {
    //JavaScript code(calculations)


The function takes one parameter object_record. This parameter is required and the parameter name is not editable. The parameter name varies depending on the related object type.

The following table lists the parameter names for some common standard and custom objects:

Object name Parameter name
Account account
Product product
Vehicle (custom object) default__vehicle

When a function is called, Zuora provides the context object record as the input value. For example, if the function is called during the creation of an account object record, the parameter name is account, which refers to this specific account object record.

Return value

The return value is an object of the following format:

    success: boolean,
    message?: string,
    data?: object
Key Required Value format Description
success Yes Boolean Indicating the running result of the function:
  • true: The data calculation succeeded. Zuora will create or update the object record.
  • false: The data calculation failed. Zuora will not create or update the object record.
message No String The message displayed when the data calculation fails.
data No Object

The updated fields in the format of key-value pairs. For example:

  Year__c: 2023,
  Country__c: 'United States'

This attribute is available only if success is true.

Zuora ignores the fields that do not exist on the object.


 ((default__vehicle) => {
     const purchaseAmount = default__vehicle.PurchaseAmount__c;
     const taxRate = default__vehicle.TaxRate__c;
     const salesTax = purchaseAmount * taxRate;
     return {
         success: true,
         message: "The sales tax is updated.",
         data: {
             SalesTax__c: salesTax

In this example, the function multiplies the purchase amount in the PurchaseAmount__c custom field by the tax rate in the TaxRate__c custom field, and then updates the SalesTax__c custom field with the calculation result.

With the help of this formula function, you can automate sales tax calculations every time a vehicle object record is created or updated without the need to calculate it manually.

Best practices for using functions

It is recommended to follow these best practices when using functions.

Use conditional statements in validation functions

You should use conditional statements (for example, if-else) in validation functions to specify validation rules.

Return only fields that need to be updated in formula functions

It is best practice to return only the fields that need to be updated in formula functions. Zuora ignores the returned fields that are not defined on the source object.