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Enable single version subscription

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Enable single version subscription

Single version subscription is supported from Quotes version 10.34 onwards. You must select the Enable Single Version Subscription setting to allow Zuora Quotes to work with a Zuora Billing tenant with the single version subscription enabled. The setting is read-only in Zuora Quotes and is controlled by the corresponding setting in the Zuora Billing Tenant. You can enable this setting in CPQ by running a script in your Salesforce Org. For more information, see Enable single version subscription.

  • In Zuora Quotes, SingleVersionSubscriptionId__c, stores the Zuora Subscription ID when the Single Version Subscription setting is enabled in Salesforce.
  • The ZuoraSubscriptionID_c field is null for the single-version subscription. Hence, it is recommended that you remove it and replace it with the SingleVersionSubscriptionId__c field in the Detail_Account_Subscription_Info fieldset to display it on the legacy detail page. For Quote Studio, you can add it to the different available fieldsets of CPQX.

If you have enabled orders and want to enable single version subscription but have some customization on the existing ZuoraSubscriptionID field, then you need to update the customization to use SingleVersionSubscriptionId__c in place of ZuoraSubscriptionID __c as it is null.
