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Feature Access Config

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Feature Access Config

With the Feature Access Config setting, you can define different permissions for users related to Pending Subscriptions. For example, you can allow some users to create Pending Subscriptions while others can only activate them.

In addition to controlling access to Pending Subscriptions, Feature Access Config lets you manage user permissions for different subscription flows related to Pending Subscriptions. These flows include New, Amend, Renew, and Cancel. By setting different access levels for each flow, you can ensure that only authorized users can make changes to Pending subscriptions.

For instance, you can only allow certain users to create new quotes in pending subscriptions while allowing others to amend existing ones. Similarly, you can restrict cancellation rights to only a select group of users.


To configure the Feature Access Config setting, take the following steps:

  1. In your Salesforce org, navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Studio Settings > Feature Access Config.
  2. Select Feature Name from the dropdown.
  3. Select the user’s profile who needs access and Quote flow types. 
  4. Click Save.
