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Manage Person Accounts

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Manage Person Accounts

This article provides a brief overview of how Zuora CPQ works with Salesforce person accounts.

Enable Person Accounts

A person account is an individual consumer with whom you do business. If your sales modes is business-to-consumer, person accounts are more applicable to organization than regular accounts that are designed for business-to-business sales.

The feature allows you make the account record an individual person by removing the related contacts list on the account record. Person accounts are identified by the Person Account record type on the Account object.

See Person Accounts to learn about person accounts.

Person accounts are not enabled by default in Salesforce. To enable person accounts, contact Salesforce Support.

Manage Person Accounts and Contacts

When an Account is created and the Record Type is defined as Person Account, the corresponding contact record is created which enables the person account to function as both the account and the contact.  Consequently, there are no contact related object tied to the account, and only one set of contact information can be associated with the person account. The ID of the corresponding person contact record is stored in the PersonContactID field on the person account.

Person Accounts with Zuora CPQ

While Zuora CPQ works seamlessly with persons accounts, the following points are noteworthy when using person accounts with Zuora CPQ.

Zuora 360

Zuora 360 creates Billing Accounts, Subscriptions, Subscription Line Items and Invoices under the Account object. It doesn't sync the Contact information, and therefore the account record type, regular or person account, does not affect the behavior of Zuora 360 Sync.

Zuora Quotes

When creating a quote with a regular account, you must pull the Bill-to and Sold-to contacts from the Account's contacts.  When creating a quote with a person account, there is no related contact object, but is instead, combined into the Account object itself. The Bill-to and Sold-to contact lookup for a regular account retrieves the contacts from the account's contacts. The  Bill-to and Sold-to contact lookup for a person account lists the account as the contact choice.

Person Account Contact Address

When using person accounts in Zuora CPQ, the address information for Bill-to and Sold-to contacts is determined by the Mailing Address field, instead of the Billing Address, Shipping Address, or Other Address fields, all of which are standard fields on the Person Account object in Salesforce.