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Delete a Quote

  • 日本語のコンテンツは機械翻訳されており、補助的な参照を目的としています。機械翻訳の精度は保証できません。英語版が正となります。また、現時点では検索機能は日本語での検索をサポートしていません。翻訳に関するフィードバックについては、docs@zuora.comに送信してください。

Delete a Quote

If a subscription has been created for this quote, via Send to Zuora, the subscription is not deleted in Zuora when you delete the quote in Salesforce. In general, if a subscription was created in Zuora from a quote, we recommend that you do not delete the quote in Salesforce. Without the quote, you can't access that subscription in Salesforce to create amendments or renewals.

If subscriptions exist for a quote, they are listed at the bottom of the Quote Details page.

To delete a quote from the Quotes tab:

  1. Click the Quotes tab.
  2. In the list of quotes, locate the quote you want to delete, and click Del next to the quote.

If you want to review the quote detail before deciding to delete it, you can open the Quote Detail page, and delete the quote from the page.

To delete a quote from the Quote Detail page:

  1. Click the Quotes tab.
  2. In the list of quotes, locate the quote you may want to delete, and click the quote name.
  3. On the Quote Detail page, after reviewing the quote details, click Delete.
  4. Click OK to confirm.