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Build Salesforce dashboards

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Build Salesforce dashboards

Salesforce dashboards are a useful feature for quickly and easily sharing company information amongst colleagues, including your management team. Dashboards allow users to see summarized information even if they don't have permission to access the underlying detailed data.

Zuora CPQ integration to Salesforce provides standard predefined reports based on the billing and subscription information synchronized from Zuora to Salesforce. These reports can be used to build custom dashboards that provide key insight into your subscription business.

To build dashboards with Zuora CPQ reports, complete the following steps:

  1. In Salesforce, click the Dashboards tab.

    If the Dashboard tab is not available on your tab bar, click + sign and select Dashboards from the list of tabs.

  2. Click New Dashboard.
  3. On the Components tab, click the dashboard type you want to build and drag it to the dashboard editing area on the right.
  4. On the left navigation, click the Data Sources tab.

    By default, Zuora CPQ provides some data sources that correspond to the standard predefined Zuora reports included in the Zuora CPQ package. You can also create custom reports from the Zuora data and use those custom reports on a dashboard.

  5. Select a data source and drag it to the dashboard editing area on the right.

    If the data source is not suitable for the dashboard type, you will receive an error. When this happens, you need to either select a different dashboard type or a different data source and drag it to the dashboard editing area and drop it on top of the error message.

  6. After the data source has been applied to the dashboard, add a custom header, title, and footer by entering text in the Edit Header, Edit Title, and Edit Footer fields.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Add a title to name your dashboard. The Dashboard Unique Name field will be automatically populated.  
  3. Click Save and Run Dashboard to save and generate the dashboard.

The dashboard is now available to view. Any user who clicks the Dashboard tab will be able to see this dashboard.
