Invoice Template Settings
Invoice templates are used to generate customer-ready invoice documents in Zuora Quotes. When generating these invoice documents, fields in the invoice template are replaced with the actual data about the organization, customer, product, and subscription.
This article describes how to configure a Zuora invoice template in Zuora Quotes. You can assign an Invoice Template to a new Billing Account. When you send a New Subscription quote to Zuora, the new Billing Account created in Zuora will have the Invoice Template.
Here's an overview of the process:
- Create an invoice template by downloading the sample template document and customizing it in Microsoft Word.
- In Zuora, upload your finished template to Zuora and make a note of the template ID.
- In Zuora Quotes, configure your template using the ID of the template you uploaded to Zuora.
- In Zuora Quotes, add the Invoice Template field of the Quote object to the following field sets for the field to appear on the quote detail pages. The field sets are on the Quote object.
- zqu__Account__Details
- zqu__Amend_Edit_Account_Details
- zqu__Amend_Quote_Customer_Account_Details
- zqu__Renewal_Quote_Customer_Account_Details
Configure an Invoice Template in Zuora Quotes
You can have multiple invoice templates to have them available in Zuora Quotes.
To configure a new invoice template:
- Navigate to Zuora Config > Invoice Template Settings.
- On the Invoice Template Settings page, click New Invoice Template.
- On the Invoice Template Edit page, enter the following information:
- Invoice Template Name: The name of the invoice template.
- Zuora Id: The ID of the invoice template in Zuora.
The attributes you set in the invoice template is stored in Zuora, and Zuora Quotes retrieves the information using the Zuora Id value. See Creating a Custom Invoice Template about retrieving the template ID.
- Click Save.
To configure a new invoice template in a Multi-entity environment:
- Navigate to Zuora Config > Invoice Template Settings.
- On the Invoice Template Settings page, click New Invoice Template.
- On the Invoice Template Edit page, enter the following information:
- Invoice Template Name: The name of the invoice template.
- Billing Entity: Click the lookup icon and select an entity for this template.
- Zuora Id: The ID of the invoice template in Zuora. See Creating a Custom Invoice Template about retrieving the template ID.
- Click Save.