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CPQ X order of execution for Single Standard Quote

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CPQ X order of execution for Single Standard Quote

Action Order of execution
New Quote
  1. connectedcallback from the headless component.
  2. Quote is created with default values populated from the Default Value Plugin and inserted
  3. beforeRulesExecution hook
  4. Rules with the trigger event Initial load runs
  5.  afterRulesExecution hook
  6. Preview (Only If Products are added)
Quote update
  1. afterQuoteUpdate hook
  2. beforeRulesExecution hook
  3. Rules with the trigger event Everytime runs
  4. afterRulesExecution hook
  5. Preview (Only If Products are added)
Product add
  1. beforeProductAdd hook
  2. afterProductAdd hook
  3. beforeRulesExecution hook
  4. Rules with the trigger event Everytime runs
  5. afterRulesExecution hook
  6. Preview
Product update or remove
  1. beforeProductUpdate hook (Only executes for update)
  2. afterProductUpdate hook (Only executes for update)
  3. beforeRulesExecution
  4. Rules with the trigger event Everytime runs
  5. afterRulesExecution hook
  6. Preview
Save button click
  1. beforeSave hook
  2. beforeRulesExecution hook
  3. Rules with the trigger event Save/Submit runs
  4. afterRulesExecution hook
  5. Preview
  6. Salesforce DB operation → insert/update on Quote, Quote Rate Plan Charge, Quote Charge Summary, Quote Charge Detail, Invoice Item Summaries, Quote Ramp Interval, Quote Charge Interval Detail and Charge Segment.
  7. SavePreviewMetrics method run -
    1. Preview call
    2. Process and Save response on the Quote, Quote Rate Plan Charge, Quote Charge Summary, Quote Charge Detail, Invoice Item Summaries, Quote Ramp Interval, Quote Charge Interval Detail, and Charge Segment.
  8. beforeRulesExecution hook
  9. Rules with the trigger event Everytime runs
  10. afterRulesExecution hook
Submit button click
  1. beforeSubmit hook
  2. beforeRulesExecution hook
  3. Rules with the trigger event Save/Submit runs
  4. afterRulesExecution hook
  5. Preview - will always run after rules execution is completed.
  6. Salesforce DB operation → insert/update on Quote, Quote Amendment, Quote Rate Plan, Quote Rate Plan Charge, Quote Charge Summary, Quote Charge Detail, Invoice Item Summaries, Quote Ramp Interval, Quote Charge Interval Detail and Charge Segment.
  7. SavePreviewMetrics method run -
    1. Preview call
    2. Process and Save response on the Quote, Quote Rate Plan, Quote Rate Plan Charge, Quote Charge Summary, Quote Charge Detail, Invoice Item Summaries, Quote Ramp Interval, Quote Charge Interval Detail and Charge Segment.
  8. beforeRulesExecution hook
  9. afterRulesExecution hook
  10. afterSubmitNavigation hook
Edit Quote
  1. connectedcallback from the headless component
  2. beforeRulesExecution hook run
  3. Rules with the trigger event Initial load runs
  4. afterRulesExecution hook
  5. Preview
Ammend or renew Quote
  1. connectedcallback from the headless component → Gets executed in the Billing Account/Subscription selector page
  2. Quote is created with default values populated from the Default Value Plugin and inserted.
  3. Quote Amendment, Quote Rate Plan, Quote Rate Plan Charge and Quote Rate Plan Charge Tiers records are retrieved from Zuora and inserted into the salesforce DB through Store Existing Products batch (Asynchronous flow) or with the Synchronous flow - Depends on the Max Charges for Loading Optimization setting.
  4. Quote Studio loads
  5. beforeRulesExecution hook
  6. Rules with the trigger event Initial load runs
  7. afterRulesExecution hook
  8. Preview