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Quote Template Settings

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Quote Template Settings

Quotes templates are used to create customer-ready quote documents in Zuora Quotes. When generating these quote documents, fields in the quote template are replaced with actual data on the organization, customer, product, and subscription. You can use this feature to produce a detailed, accurate, polished quote, formatted in your company's style, with a minimum of time and effort.

This article describes how to create a quote template and configure it in Zuora CPQ.

Here's an overview of the process:

  1. Create a quote template by downloading the sample template document and customizing it in Microsoft Word. See Customize Billing Document Templates Using Word Mail Merge for how to customize a template using Word Mail Merge.
  2. Upload your finished template to Zuora and make a note of the template ID.
  3. In Salesforce, configure your template on the Quote Templates tab using the ID of the template you uploaded to Zuora.

User Access to the Quote Data

Quote templates are based on the Word mail merge feature. At the time a quote document is generated, the merge fields in the template document are replaced with data from corresponding fields in Salesforce data objects. This requires that the user who is creating the quote document file from a template must have the Read access to those data objects and to any fields in those objects. For more on this, refer to Set Permissions for Zuora Quotes Custom Objects.

Upload a Quote Template to Zuora

You must upgrade all your templates to the new file generation service before the Zuora October 2015 Release, R193. Zuora will stop supporting the old file generation service in R193.

Starting in the Zuora September 2015 Release, R192, new templates that you upload will only support the new file generation service.

To upload a quote template in Zuora:

  1. In Zuora, click the down arrow next to your user name.
  2. Select to Settings > Commerce.
  3. Click Configure Quote Templates.
  4. On the Manage Quote Templates page, click add new template.
    Add New Template
  5. In the Name field, enter a name for the template, for example, "New Subscription Quote Template".
  6. Click Choose File to select your template file.
  7. If you do not want to display zero (0) value charge line items in your quote documents, select Do not display zero value effective price line items
    This setting does not impact line items with a null value effective price. Effective price line items with null values are always displayed.

  8. Click save.
  9. After uploading the file, click Show id. A dialog appears, displaying the ID number of the template file. Save the ID number for each template that you create.

Add a Quote Template in Salesforce

Zuora Quotes lets you to have multiple quote templates for new subscriptions, amendments, and renewals. 

To add a new quote template:

  1. Navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Template Settings.
  2. On the Quote Template Settings page, click New Quote Template.
  3. On the Quote Template Edit page, enter the following information.
    • Quote Template Name: The name of the quote template
    • Quote Type: The type of the quote for which this template is used
    • Template ID: The 32-character ID of the quote template in Zuora. See the last step in Upload the Quote Templates in Zuora.
    • Default: Select to use this templates as the default template for the selected quote type
  4. Click Save.

To add a new quote template in a Multi-entity environment:

  1. Navigate to Zuora Config > Quote Template Settings.
  2. On the Quote Template Settings page, click New Quote Template.
  3. On the Quote Template Edit page, enter the following information: 
    • Quote Template Name: The name of the quote template
    • Billing Entity: Click the lookup icon and select an entity for this template.
    • Quote Type: The type of the quote for which this template is used
    • Template ID: The 32-character ID of the quote template in Zuora. See the last step in Upload the Quote Templates in Zuora.
    • Default: Select to use this templates as the default template for the selected quote type
  4. Click Save.