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Uninstall Zuora Quotes

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Uninstall Zuora Quotes

Follow the instructions to remove the custom item from a page layout or to uninstall the Zuora Quotes package.

Remove custom Items from page layouts

This section describes how to remove a custom item from a page layout, using the New Quote button on the Opportunity page as an example.

To remove the New Quote Button and Quote List, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to user name > Setup > App Setup > Customize > Opportunities > Page Layouts
  2. Click Edit, which is next to Opportunity Layout
  3. Click Related Lists to display the Related Lists objects.
  4. Click the Remove Related Lists icon on the Quotes related list. 
  5. Click Buttons to display the buttons that you want to remove.
  6. Drag the New Quote button from the Custom Buttons area to the Buttons list. 
  7. Click Save

Uninstall the Zuora Quotes package

To uninstall the Zuora Quotes package, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to user name > Setup > Installed Packages
  2. Click Uninstall, which is next to Zuora CPQ Quotes.
  3. At the bottom of the Uninstalling a Package page, select whether to save a copy or not.
  4. Select Yes, I want to uninstall this package and permanently delete all associated components, then click Uninstall