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CPQ X performance and scalability guide

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CPQ X performance and scalability guide

This article introduces the operations that have an impact on performance and the limits you should keep in mind when working with the Quote Studio page. The reference performance data under different testing scenarios is also presented.

Operations that impact performance

With volume increased, the following operations within the Quote Studio page can increase latency:

  • Adding products: When you use the Search functionality, products can be added one at a time. When you use the Browse Products option, you can add multiple products all at once.
  • Saving products: When the Save button is clicked, the current quote and all associated products are stored as SObjects.
  • Loading products: When loading Quote Studio, all SObjects are loaded into the configuration table.
  • Previewing metrics: When a change is made to the page, metrics are recalculated using the Preview an order API operation then get displayed. 

It is also possible to increase browser slowdown as the volume of data increases, depending on volume, Salesforce environment, choice of browsers, and computer specifications.

Limits on number of rate plan actions

On the back end, CPQ X calls the Create an order operation when you create, amend, or renew quotes using the Quote Studio page.

In general, only 50 actions can be created in a single Create an order call, which can consist of any combination of the following actions:

  • Create subscriptions
  • Add products
  • Update products
  • Remove products
  • Renew subscriptions
  • Change terms and conditions
  • Cancel subscriptions
  • Transfer invoice owners

Therefore, the following hard limits are applicable to CPQ X:

  • On a new subscription quote or renewal quote, you can include a maximum of 49 new or changed rate plan actions.
  • On an amendment quote, you can include a maximum of 50 actions.

Limits on Previewing Metrics timeout

CPQ X calls the Preview an order API operation of Zuora Billing to retrieve and display order metrics. Therefore, the API timeout limit on the Preview an order API operation is also applicable to the Previewing metrics operation.

The Orders API timeout limit is 120 seconds. A number of factors can contribute to increased latency in Orders: 

  • Number of subscriptions in one Create an order call
  • Number of order actions in one subscription
  • Number of charges processed by one order action
  • Number of tiers in one charge (applicable only to the tiered pricing charge model) 

For more information about Order limitations, see Orders Performance Guidance.

Performance guide

The following table shows performance data for each operation type that can increase latency.

Keep in mind that the following data is the guidance of performance under ideal testing scenarios. Results can vary depending on multiple factors such as network speed and reliability and your Salesforce environment.

Charges per plan Number of plans Response time of Adding operation (seconds) Response time of Previewing operation (seconds) Response time of Saving operation (seconds) Response time of Loading operation (seconds)
1 Flat Fee Charge 1 <1 1 <1 <1
10 2 5 1 1
49 2 14 4 3
50 Flat Fee Charge 1 3 10 4 3
10 11 120 (API Timeout) 26 11
49 51 120 (API Timeout) 70 16
1 Tiered Charge (3 Tiers) 1 <1 1 <1 <1
10 1 3 2 3
49 2 15 6 4
1 Tiered Charge (50 Tiers) 1 <1 <1 <1 <1
10 3 5 4 4
49 6 32 19 18