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Create Prepaid Subscription

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Create Prepaid Subscription

In Zuora Quotes Version 10.31 and later, you can create Prepaid and Drawdown subscriptions with Minimum Commitment.  

You can add a Prepaid, and Drawdown subscription with the Minimum Commitment Product Rate Plan Charge in Zuora and sync it with CPQ X through Zuora 360 or  Zuora 360+. See Prepaid with Drawdown and Minimum Commitment for more information.


  1. Ensure you have enabled Orders

  2. Ensure you have enabled CPQ X; the Zuora CPQ package version must be greater than or equal to 10.8.

  3. Ensure Zuora SOAP API version is greater than or equal to 141.0.

  4. Ensure that you install/upgrade the Zuora 360 Salesforce package version to 5.15 or greater. If you are not syncing data using Zuora 360+, contact Zuora Global Support to enable your Zuora 360 Sync package for Prepaid and Drawdown subscriptions with Minimum Commitment charges. 

  5. Ensure that you have added Prepaid Quantity, Prepaid Validity Period Type, Prepaid Total Quantity, Prepaid UOM, Drawdown Rate, Drawdown UOM, Credit Option, Charge Function, Commitment Type, Rollover Apply Option, Rollover Period and Rollover Period Length fields to the CPQX_Charge_Display_Fields (Object - zqu_QuoteRatePlanCharge__c) fieldset.

  6. Ensure that you have added IsPrepaid, Credit Option, Prepaid Operation Type, Prepaid Quantity, Prepaid Total Quantity, Prepaid UOM, and Validity Period Type fields to the PrePaymentRules (Object - zqu_ProductRatePlanCharge__c) fieldset.

  7. Ensure that you have added a drawdown to the PrepaidOperationType__c picklist field on the zqu_QuoteRatePlanCharge__c object and use lowercase only.


Here is a sample quote with Prepaid and Drawdown subscriptions.

View prepaid balances for Subscriptions

  1. Navigate to Billing Accounts and Subscriptions.

  2. Click in the Select a Subscription section.

  3. Review the prepaid balance for each validity period aggregated by the Uom defined in the prepayment charges.  


View prepaid balances in Amendment/Renewal Quote

Expanding the PREPAID BALANCE section allows you to view the subscriptions' prepaid balances when you create a new amendment or renewal quote. 

The prepaid balance for each validity period is aggregated by the UoM defined in the Prepayment charges. This analysis provides more insights into the subscription’s prepayment and drawdown history during the quoting process.


Prepaid Drawdown Errors

When Prepaid Drawdown is enabled in a Zuora tenant and prepaid charges with field values below are synced to CPQ, you may encounter the errors below.

The below errors only occur when you upgrade Zuora Quotes from the X version (X represents your current Quotes version) to the 10.8 version or higher. For a fresh new installation of Zuora Quotes, these errors will not appear.

The following table describes the reasons for the errors.

Error Reason

INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: Validity Period Type: bad value for restricted picklist field: Subscription Term

Occurs when Validity Period Type (picklist field) is set to Subscription Term on Prepaid Product Rate Plan Charge in Zuora.

INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: Validity Period Type: bad value for restricted picklist field: Semi-Annual

Occurs when Validity Period Type (picklist field) is set to Semi-Annual on Prepaid Product Rate Plan Charge in Zuora.

INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST: Prepaid Operation Type: bad value for restricted picklist field: drawdown

This error will appear if you attempt to create a drawdown charge.

Fixing Errors

To fix errors, update the following field values in the CPQ quotes package, Object - zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c

Field Fix

Change the API name of the picklist value from Subscription_Term to Subscription Term.

Take the following steps to change the picklist API name:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Objects > zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c > zqu__ValidityPeriodType__c.

  2. Click Edit corresponding to Subscription Term.


Change the API name of the picklist value from Semi_Annual to Semi-Annual.

Take the following steps to change the picklist API name:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Objects > zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c > zqu__ValidityPeriodType__c.

  2. Click Edit corresponding to Semi-Annual.


Change the label of the picklist value from Semi Annual to Semi-Annual.

Take the following steps to change the label of the picklist value:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Objects > zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c > zqu__ValidityPeriodType__c

  2. Click Edit corresponding to Semi-Annual.


Add “drawdown” as a new picklist value. (Make sure to use lowercase only; this is case-sensitive)

Take the following steps to add a new picklist value:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Objects >  zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c > zqu__PrepaidOperationType__c

  2. Click New to add a new picklist value.


See Notes and limitations for more information.