Upgrade Zuora Quotes
This article explains how to upgrade Zuora Quotes to the latest version. The article covers all the required upgrade tasks from the earliest supported version of Zuora Quotes.
Zuora strongly recommends upgrading your Zuora Quotes package to the latest version at least once per quarter. This practice ensures that you stay current, up to date, and mitigates the risk of any potential Salesforce platform changes that could lead to incompatibility with older versions of the Zuora Quotes package.
If you are upgrading from a later version of Zuora Quotes, we recommend that you review all the required tasks and upgrade as it applies to the current state and version of your Zuora Quotes org.
When installing or upgrading to latest Zuora Quotes version, you might encounter an error message stating "1. [Line: 138, Col: 21] LWC1503: Dynamic imports are not allowed. markup: //zqu:parentQuoteDetail: [Line: 138, Col: 21] LWC1503: Dynamic imports are not allowed."
If you encounter this error, ensure that "Lightning Web Security" is enabled under Setup > Session Settings. You can disable it after the upgrade.
If Zuora Quotes has never been installed in your Salesforce org, perform the standard installation as described in Install the Zuora Quotes Package.
If you have made any customizations to the out-of-the-box Zuora Quotes, you may run into issues upon upgrade. In some cases, code changes may be required upon upgrade across versions. Refer to the release notes for the new or updated features in this release and determine if your customization needs to be revisited.
Notable changes, in this release and previous releases, that may affect your customization are:
- In 6.54, the Quote Charge object was migrated to the Quote Rate Plan Charge object.
- Starting from 7.x, the Product2 object is used for products instead of ZProduct.
Prepare to Upgrade Zuora Quotes
Before you upgrade Zuora Quotes, perform the following tasks:
- Successfully install or upgrade Zuora 360 to the latest version. Refer to Upgrade Zuora 360 for the detailed steps.
Determine the currently installed version of Zuora Quotes.
Check the version of Zuora Quotes installed in your org, and perform the required upgrade steps based on the current version:-
In Salesforce, navigate to Setup > Installed Packages.
Note the Version Number of the Zuora Quotes package.
High-level Upgrade Steps
Follow the below steps to upgrade Zuora Quotes to the latest version:
- Install the Zuora Quotes Managed Package in Salesforce.
Request the Zuora Quotes package installation link from Zuora Global Support, click on the link, and follow the prompts. See Install the Zuora Quotes Package for detailed information. Return to the upgrade steps when the installation completes.
- This step is required if you upgrade to Quotes Release 8.10.2 and later releases. Clone the relevant permission set and add the zqu__Z_Quote app to the cloned set manually. For earlier versions than 8.10.2, when you install Quotes and assign the permission to users, it grants users access to the zqu__Z_Quote app. Starting from the 8.10.2 release, you must clone the relevant permission set and add the app to it manually, and assign the cloned set to your users. See Step 9 in Install Zuora Quotes.
- Assign users to permission sets.
- Recreate the Product custom fields.
If you added any custom field on the ZProduct object in a version 6.61 or earlier, recreate the custom field on the Salesforce Product2 object.
- Check the post-installation job status.
- Run Manual Syncs from Zuora.
To ensure that your Salesforce org has the latest Zuora data, log into your Zuora tenant and perform a manual sync of the following. See Synchronize Data from Z-Billing for detail instruction.
- Accounts and Related Objects
- Product Catalog
- Update object fieldsets.
- Update picklists.
- Check and refresh the Zuora tenant settings.
- Update Zuora Config settings.
- Assign page layouts to profiles.
- Edit Quote Wizard settings.
- Review the Time Zone support.
- Review the Rev Rec changes.
- Update Entity Ids.
Download the new default quote template from Zuora, and use it to adjust your own customized templates for new fields if required.
- Review the Scheduled Jobs for Refresh Custom Settings.
- Review the below settings:
Assign Users to Permission Sets
Assign the following permission sets to appropriate users to automatically grant the required permissions at the object, field, and Apex class levels:
- Zuora Quotes Product Admin: The product admin users create and manage the product catalog in Salesforce. The users in this permission set also have to be assigned to the Zuora Quotes End User permission set.
- Zuora Quotes End User: The quote users create, manage, and send quotes to Zuora.
- Zuora Rules End User: The rules users create, update, and execute Zuora Rules Engine.
To assign users to a permission set:
- Navigate to Setup > Manage Users > Permission Sets.
- Click one of the above permission sets.
- Click Manage Assignments.
- Click Add Assignments.
- Select the users and click Assign.
- Click Done.
Update Fieldsets
The table below summarizes the changes needed in Zuora Quotes fieldsets. Review the fieldsets in your org and make changes as necessary. If you have customized these fieldsets in previous releases, e.g., modified the fieldset names, added/removed fields, follow the steps below to update your customized fieldsets.
If you are upgrading from a version higher than what is specified in the Changed in Version column, you do not need to update the particular fieldset.
Object | Fieldset | Changed in Version |
Field Change |
Quote | zqu__Amend_Quote_Subscription_Terms | 6.0 |
Quote | zqu__Renewal_Quote_Subscription_Terms | 6.0 |
Quote | zqu__Detail_Quote_Information | 6.0 |
Quote |
zqu__Amend_Edit_Subscription_Terms zqu__Amend_Quote_Subscription_Terms zqu__Detail_Subscription_Terms
6.1 |
Fieldset renamed to:
Quote | zqu__Renewal_Quote_Subscription_Terms | 6.1 |
Fieldset renamed to:
Quote | zqu__Subscription_Terms | 6.1 |
Fieldset renamed to:
Quote | zqu__Amend_Quote_Detail_Metrics | 8.7 |
If Order is enabled, added:
Quote | zqu__Quote_Detail_Metrics | 8.7 |
If Order is enbled, added:
10.41 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__DisplayChargeFields |
7.1 |
To update a fieldset:
The Order metrics are only available if you have the Orders feature enabled. We are actively soliciting feedback from a small set of early adopters. If you wish to have access to the feature, submit a request at Zuora Global Support.
- Navigate to Setup > App Setup > Create > Objects and click the object.
- In the Fieldsets section, click Edit for the fieldset.
- Add or remove fields from the fieldset as specified in the above table.
- Clock Save.
Update Picklists
The table below summarizes the changes in picklists. Review the changes against what you have set up in your org and update the picklists as necessary.
If you are upgrading from a version higher than what is specified in the Changed in Version column, you do not need to update the picklist of that particular field.
Quote Rate Plan Charge and Product Rate Plan Charge
Object | Field | Changed in Version |
Record Types | Picklist Values |
Quote | Billing Batch | 6.40 | All |
Quote | Quote Business Type | 6.54 | All | Add or remove picklist values based on the Record Type and business needs. |
Quote | Initial Term Period Type (new) | 7.4 |
Default Amendment Renewal |
Move all in the Available Values list to Selected Values list. Default: Month |
Quote | Ramp Frequency (new) | 8.4 |
Default Amendment Renewal |
Move all in the Available Values list to Selected Values list. |
Quote | Renewal Term Period Type (new) | 8.4 |
Default Amendment Renewal |
Move all in the Available Values list to Selected Values list. |
Product Rate Plan Charge |
7.1 | n/a | Add or update the picklist options based on the settings in your Zuora tenant. |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Model | 7.1 | n/a |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Rev Rec Code (zqu__RevRecCode2__c) | 7.1 | n/a |
Add the same Rev Rec Codes that you have in your Zuora tenant. See Add Revenue Recognition Codes to see the revenue recognition codes defined in your Zuora tenant. |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Bill Cycle Type | 7.4 | n/a |
Added: Specific Day of Week |
Product Rate Plan Charge | List Price Base | 7.4 | n/a |
Added: Per Week |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Billing Period | 7.4 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Bill Cycle Type | 7.4 | n/a |
Added: SpecificDayofWeek |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | List Price Base | 7.4 | n/a |
Added: Per Week |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Period | 7.4 | n/a |
Quote Wizard Step | Subscription Type | 7.3 | n/a |
Quote Amendment | Type | 8.2 | n/a |
Added: Original |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Rating Group | 9.5 | n/a |
Added: ByGroupId |
Quote | Credit Balance Application Order (zqu__ApplicationOrder__c) |
9.34 | All |
Quote Order Line Item | Item State (zqu__ItemState__c) |
9.43 | n/a |
Quote Order Line Item | Tax Mode (zqu__TaxMode__c) |
9.43 | n/a |
Quote Order Line Item | Item State (zqu__ ItemState__c) |
10.2 | Removed:
Quote Order Line Item | Item Type (zqu__ItemType__c) |
10.2 | Removed:
Product Rate Plan Charge | Prepaid Operation Type (zqu__ PrepaidOperationType__c) |
10.5 | n/a |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Validity Period Type (zqu__ ValidityPeriodType__c) |
10.5 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge |
Prepaid Validity Period Type (zqu__ Prepaid_Validity_Period_Type__c) |
10.5 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Prepaid Operation Type (zqu__PrepaidOperationType__c) |
10.7 | n/a | Added:
Quote | Number of Intervals (zqu__Number_of_Intervals__c) |
10.8 | All |
Quote | Ramp Frequency (zqu__RampFrequency__c) |
10.8 | All |
Product Rate Plan Charge |
Validity Period Type (zqu__ValidityPeriodType__c) |
10.8 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Prepaid Validity Period Type (zqu__Prepaid_Validity_Period_Type__c) |
10.8 | n/a |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Prepaid Operation Type (zqu__PrepaidOperationType__c) |
10.8.1 | n/a |
Quote | Is Cloned (zqu__Is_Cloned__c) |
10.9 | All |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Prepaid Operation Type (zqu__PrepaidOperationType__c) |
10.10 | n/a |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Bill Cycle Type (zqu__BillCycleType__c) |
10.16 | n/a |
Quote Amendment |
Subscription Payment Term (zqu__Subscription_Payment_Term__c) |
10.16 | n/a |
Quote |
Subscription Payment Term (zqu__Subscription_Payment_Term__c) |
10.16 | All |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Bill Cycle Type (zqu__BillCycleType__c) |
10.16 | n/a |
Quote Order Line Item |
Discount Type (zqu__DiscountType__c) |
10.17 | n/a |
Quote | Order Submission Status (zqu__OrderSubmissionStatus__c) |
10.20 | All |
Quote | MSQ Async Request Status (zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestStatus__c) |
10.26 | All |
Quote | MSQ Async Request Type (zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestType__c) |
10.26 | All |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Commitment Type (zqu__CommitmentType__c) |
10.29 | n/a |
Product Rate Plan Charge | Rollover Apply Option (zqu__RolloverApplyOption__c) |
10.29 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Commitment Type (zqu__CommitmentType__c) |
10.29 | n/a |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | Rollover Apply Option (zqu__RolloverApplyOption__c) |
10.29 | n/a |
To add new picklist options to an existing field:
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects.
- Click the object name.
- In the Custom Fields & Relationships section, click the field.
- In the Picklist Values section, click New.
- Type the new options values.
- Select the Record Type Names specified in the table above.
- Click Save.
- Check if the new options are listed in the Picklist Values section.
To add new picklist options to a new field:
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects.
- Click the object name.
- In the Record Types section, perform the following for each record type:
- Click the record type.
- Click Edit for the field.
- Add all Available Values to Selected Values list.
- In the Default field, click and select the option values.
- Click Save.
Object and Field Change
The table below summarizes the changes in objects and fields. Review the changes against what you have set up in your org, replace the deprecated field with the new field, if you want to take advantage of the new features we added in the later versions, you can review the new fields.
Object | Changed in Version | New Field Name (Label) | Modified Field Name (New Label) | Deprecated Field Name (Label) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 9.23 | Preview Charge Id (zqu__PreviewChargeId__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | End Date (zqu__EndDate__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | MRR (zqu__MRR__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | Product Rate Plan Charge (zqu__ProductRatePlanCharge__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | Quote (zqu_Quote__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | Start Date (zqu__StartDate__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24 | TCB zqu__TCB__c |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.24.2 | Quote Rate Plan Charge zqu__QuoteRatePlanCharge__c |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.31 | Delta Net MRR (zqu__DeltaMRR__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 9.31 | Delta Net TCB (zqu__DeltaTCB__c) |
Quote | 9.31 | Tax Region (zqu__TaxRegion__c) |
Quote | 9.33 | Credit Memo Template ID (zqu__CreditMemoTemplateID__c) |
Quote | 9.33 | Debit Memo Template ID (zqu__DebitMemoTemplateID__c) |
Quote | 9.33 | Sequence Set ID (zqu__SequenceSetId__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.4 | Charge Amount Per Unit (zqu__ChargeAmountPerUnit__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.4 | Item Name (zqu__ItemName__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.4 | Item Type (zqu__ItemType__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.4 | Quote (zqu__Quote__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.4 | Quantity (zqu__Quantity__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 9.41 | Number Of Periods (zqu__NumberOfPeriod__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.41.1 | Amount Per Unit (zqu__ChargeAmountPerUnit__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Bill Target Date (zqu__BillTargetDate__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Description (zqu__Description__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Product Code (zqu__ProductCode__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | ProductRatePlanChargeId (zqu__ProductRatePlanChargeId__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Purchase Order Number (zqu__PurchaseOrderNumber__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Sold to Contact (zqu__SoldToContact__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Transaction Date (zqu__TransactionDate__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | UOM (zqu__ZUnitOfMeasure__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Subtotal (zqu__Subtotal__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Tax (zqu__Tax__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 9.43 | Total (zqu__Total__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Quote Line Item Subtotal (zqu__ Qli_Subtotal__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Quote Line Item Tax (zqu__ Qli_Tax__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Quote Line Item Total (zqu__ Qli_Total__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Subscription Subtotal (zqu__ Subscription_Subtotal__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Subscription Tax (zqu__ Subscription_Tax__c) |
Quote | 10.0 | Subscription Total (zqu__ Subscription_Total__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 10.2 | Taxable (zqu__ Taxable__c) |
Quote | 10.3 | Invoice Owner (zqu__ InvoiceOwner__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 10.4 | Product Rate Plan Charge Zuora Id (zqu__ ProductRatePlanChargeZuoraId__c) |
Modified: Product Rate Plan Charge (zqu__ProductRatePlanChargeId__c) |
Quote | 10.4 | Inline Discount zqu__ Inline_Discount__c |
Quote | 10.5 | Quote Sub-Total (zqu__Previewed_SubTotal__c) |
Quote Tax (zqu__Previewed_Tax__c) |
Quote Total (zqu__Previewed_Total__c) |
Product Rate Plan Charge | 10.5 | IsPrepaid (zqu__ IsPrepaid__c) |
PrepaidQuantity__c (zqu__ PrepaidQuantity__c) |
Prepaid Total Quantity (zqu__ PrepaidTotalQuantity__c) |
Prepaid UOM (zqu__ PrepaidUOM__c) |
Quote rate Plan Charge | 10.5 | IsPrepaid (zqu__ IsPrepaid__c) |
Quote rate Plan Charge | 10.5 | Prepaid Quantity (zqu__ Prepaid_Quantity__c) |
Quote Amendment | 10.5 | Quote Type (zqu__ Quote_Type__c) |
Quote Charge Interval Detail | 10.6 | Quote Ramp Interval (zqu__ QuoteRampInterval__c) |
Quote Ramp Interval (new object) | 10.6 | Inline Discount (zqu__ Inline_Discount__c) |
Interval Discount (zqu__ Interval_Discount__c) |
Interval End Date (zqu__ Interval_End_Date__c) |
Interval Start Date (zqu__ Interval_Start_Date__c) |
Interval Subtotal (zqu__ Interval_Subtotal__c) |
Interval Tax (zqu__ Interval_Tax__c) |
Interval Total (zqu__ Interval_Total__c) |
Quote (zqu__ Quote__c) |
Description (zqu__Description__c) |
Discount TCB (zqu__Discount_TCB__c) |
Discount TCV (zqu__Discount_TCV__c) |
Gross TCB (zqu__Gross_TCB__c) |
Gross TCV (zqu__Gross_TCV__c) |
Net TCB (zqu__Net_TCB__c) |
Net TCV (zqu__Net_TCV__c) |
Quote | 10.6 | Entity/Use Code (zqu__Entity_Use_Code__c) |
Product Rate Plan Charge | 10.7 | Credit Option (zqu__CreditOption__c) |
Drawdown Rate (zqu__DrawdownRate__c) |
Drawdown Uom (zqu__DrawdownUom__c) |
Prepaid Total Quantity (zqu__Prepaid_Total_Quantity__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.7 | Credit Option (zqu__CreditOption__c) |
Prepaid Total Quantity (zqu__PrepaidTotalQuantity__c) |
Prepaid UOM (zqu__PrepaidUOM__c) |
Quote | 10.8 | Custom Ramp Interval Details zqu__ (Custom_Ramp_Interval_Details__c) |
Net MRR (zqu__Net_MRR__c) |
Quote | 10.9 | Include in Create Subscription (zqu__IncludeInCreateSubscription__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.10 | Drawdown Rate (zqu__DrawdownRate__c) |
Drawdown Uom (zqu__DrawdownUom__c) |
Quote | 10.13 | Ramp (zqu__Ramp__c) |
Quote | 10.14 | Quote Order Date (zqu__QuoteOrderDate__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 10.14 | Sold to Contact (zqu__SoldToContactZuoraId__c) |
Sold to Contact (zqu__SoldToContact__c) |
Quote Charge Summary | 10.15 | Delta Quantity (zqu__DeltaQuantity__c) |
Product Rate Plan Charge | 10.16 | Stacked (zqu__IsStacked__c) |
Quote Amendment | 10.16 | Subscription Bill To Contact (zqu__Subscription_Bill_To_Contact_ZuoraId__c) |
Quote | 10.16 | Subscription Bill To Contact Name(zqu__Subscription_Bill_To_Contact_Name__c) | ||
Subscription Bill To Contact (zqu__Subscription_Bill_To_Contact_ZuoraId__c) |
Quote Charge Detail | 10.16 | Unrounded Delta Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded Delta MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCV__c) |
Unrounded Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded MRR (zqu__UnroundedMRR__c) |
Unrounded TCB (zqu__UnroundedTCB__c) |
Unrounded TCV (zqu__UnroundedTCV__c) |
Quote Charge Summary | 10.16 | Unrounded Delta Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded Delta MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCV__c) |
Segment Delta TCB (zqu__SegmentDeltaTCB__c) |
Segment Delta TCV (zqu__SegmentDeltaTCV__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.16 | Unrounded Delta Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded Delta MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCV__c) |
Quote | 10.16 | Unrounded Delta Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Delta Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded Delta MRR (zqu__UnroundedDeltaMRR__c) |
Unrounded Delta TCB (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCB__c) This field has a limit of 11 digits. If a value exceeds this limit, the field value is set to null, and only zqu_LargeUnroundedDeltaTCB__c is populated. |
Unrounded Delta TCV (zqu__UnroundedDeltaTCV__c) This field has a limit of 11 digits. If a value exceeds this limit, the field value is set to null, and only zqu__LargeUnroundedDeltaTCV__c is populated. |
Unrounded Discount MRR (zqu__UnroundedDiscountMRR__c) |
Unrounded Discount TCB (zqu__UnroundedDiscountTCB__c) |
Unrounded Discount TCV (zqu__UnroundedDiscountTCV__c) |
Unrounded MRR (zqu__UnroundedMRR__c) |
Unrounded TCB This field has a limit of 11 digits. If a value exceeds this limit, the field value is set to null, and only zqu__LargeUnroundedTCB__c is populated. |
Unrounded TCV (zqu__UnroundedTCV__c) This field has a limit of 11 digits. If a value exceeds this limit, the field value is set to null, and only zqu__LargeUnroundedTCV__c is populated. |
Number of Periods (zqu__Number_of_Periods__c) |
Quote | 10.17 | Subscription Owner (zqu__Subscription_Owner_ZuoraId__c) |
Subscription Owner Name (zqu__Subscription_Owner_Name__c) |
Quote Line Item Inline Discount (zqu__Quote_Line_Item_Inline_Discount__c) |
Subscription Invoice Template (zqu__Subscription_Invoice_Template_ZuoraId__c) |
Subscription Sequence Set (zqu__Subscription_Sequence_Set_ZuoraId__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 10.17 | Discount Per Unit (zqu__DiscountPerUnit__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.17 | Stacked (zqu__IsStacked__c) |
Stacked Discount (zqu__StackedDiscount__c) |
Quote Amendment | 10.18 | Subscription Sold To Contact (zqu__Subscription_Sold_To_Contact_ZuoraId__c) |
Quote | 10.18 | Subscription Sold To Contact Name (zqu__Subscription_Sold_To_Contact_Name__c) |
Subscription Sold To Contact (zqu__Subscription_Sold_To_Contact_ZuoraId__c) |
Quote Rate Plan | 10.22 | Quote Amendment Type (zqu__Quote_Amendment_Type__c) |
Quote | 10.22 | Invoice Owner Account Number (zqu__InvoiceOwnerAccountNumber__c) |
Quote | 10.23 | Opportunity Owner Name (zqu__Opportunity_Owner_Name__c) |
Quote Rate Plan | 10.24 | Original Rate Plan Zuora Id (zqu__OriginalRatePlanZuoraId__c) |
Quote Charge Tier | 10.26 | Quote Rate Plan Charge (QuoteRatePlanCharge__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.26 | TCB (zqu__TCB__c) |
Quote | 10.26 | Billing Account Name (zqu__Billing_Account_Name__c) |
Is MSQ (zqu__IsMSQ__c) |
MSQ Async Request Amendment Id (zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestAmendmentId__c) |
MSQ Async Request Error (zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestError__c) |
MSQ Async Request Job Id zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestJobId__c |
MSQ Child Sequence Number zqu__MSQ_ChildSequenceNumber__c |
MSQ Preview On Submit (zqu__MSQ_PreviewOnSubmit__c) |
Subscription Owner Type (zqu__Subscription_Owner_Type__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.26 | ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting (zqu__ExcludeItemBillingFromRevenueAccounting__c) |
ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting (zqu__ExcludeItemBookingFromRevenueAccounting__c) |
Invoice Item Summary (new object) | 10.27 | Discount Amount (zqu__Discount_Amount__c) |
Preview Invoice Sequence (zqu__Preview_Invoice_Sequence__c) |
Quote (zqu__Quote__c) |
Service Period End Date (zqu__Service_Period_End_Date__c) |
Service Period Start Date (zqu__Service_Period_Start_Date__c) |
SubTotal Amount (zqu__SubTotal_Amount__c) |
Subscription Numbers (zqu__Subscription_Numbers__c) |
Tax Amount (zqu__Tax_Amount__c) |
Total Amount (zqu__Total_Amount__c) |
Quote Order Line Item | 10.28 | Invoice Group Number (zqu__InvoiceGroupNumber__c) |
Quote | 10.28 | Invoice Group Number (zqu__InvoiceGroupNumber__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.28 | Is MSQ (zqu__Is_MSQ__c) |
Quote Id (zqu__Quote_Id__c) |
Quote | 10.29 | MSQ Async Request Type (zqu__MSQ_AsyncRequestType__c) |
Product Rate Plan Charge | 10.29 | Charge Function (zqu__ChargeFunction__c) |
Is Rollover (zqu__IsRollover__c) |
Rollover Period Length (zqu__RolloverPeriodLength__c) |
Rollover Period (zqu__RolloverPeriod__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | 10.29 | Charge Function (zqu__ChargeFunction__c) |
Is Rollover (zqu__IsRollover__c) |
Rollover Period Length (zqu__RolloverPeriodLength__c) |
Rollover Period (zqu__RolloverPeriod__c) |
Quote Amendment | 10.30 | Invoice Separately (zqu__InvoiceSeparately__c) |
Quote | 10.31 | Net TCB (zqu__NetTCB__c) |
Net TCV (zqu__NetTCV__c) |
Quote Amendment | 10.31 | Long Description (zqu__LongDescription__c) |
Quote | 10.34 | Single Version Subscription Id (zqu__SingleVersionSubscriptionId__c) |
Renewal Subscription Term Start Date (RenewalSubscriptionTermStartDate__c) |
Renewal Subscription Term End Date (RenewalSubscriptionTermEndDate__c) |
Flexible Renewal Start Date (FlexibleRenewalStartDate__c) |
Quote | 10.40 | Large Unrounded TCV (zqu_LargeUnroundedTCV__c) This field is used to store unrounded values with up to 14 digits before the decimal point. |
Large Unrounded TCB (zqu_LargeUnroundedTCB__c) This field is used to store unrounded values with up to 14 digits before the decimal point. |
Large Unrounded Delta TCB (zqu_LargeUnroundedDeltaTCB__c) This field is used to store unrounded values with up to 14 digits before the decimal point. |
Large Unrounded Delta TCV (zqu_LargeUnroundedDeltaTCV__c) This field is used to store unrounded values with up to 14 digits before the decimal point. |
New fieldsets
The table below summarizes the new fieldsets we added since version 9.23. The fieldsets prefixed with zqu__CPQX_ are for CPQ X only, if you don’t plan to adopt CPQ X (Quote Studio flow), you can ignore those fieldsets.
Object | Fieldset | Added in version |
Account | zqu__CPQX_Custom_Line_Item_Fields | 10.38 |
Quote | ||
Quote Rate Plan | ||
Quote Rate Plan Charges | ||
Quote Amendment | ||
Quote Order Line Item | ||
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Charge_Display_Fields | 9.23 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_QLI_Basic_Information | 9.43 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CustomLineItemQueryFields | 9.43 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_QLI_Pricing | 9.43 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_Qoli_Display_Fields | 9.43 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_QLI_Sold_To_Contact | 9.43 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_QLI_Tax | 9.43 |
Quote Product Feature | zqu__CustomFeatureQueryFields | 9.7 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CustomChargeQueryFields | 9.7 |
Quote Rate Plan | zqu__CustomRatePlanQueryFields | 9.7 |
Quote Amendment | zqu__CPQX_OrderAction_Create_DisplayFields | 10.0 |
Quote Amendment | zqu__CPQX_OrderAction_Details_CustomFields | 10.0 |
Quote Amendment | zqu__CPQX_OrderAction_Details_TriggerDates | 10.0 |
Quote | zqu__Chatter_Feed_On_Opportunity | 10.0 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Quote_Information_CustomFields | 10.2 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Billing_CustomFields | 10.2 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Overview_CustomFields | 10.2 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_TAndC_CustomFields | 10.2 |
Add-on component registration | zqu__Create_Add_on_component | 10.4 |
Quote Charge Tier | zqu__CPQX_Charge_Tier_Display_Fields | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX QLI Metrics Collapse | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_QLI_Metrics_Expand | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Quote_Metrics_Collapse | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Quote_Metrics_Expand | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Metrics_Collapse | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Metrics_Expand | 10.4 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Cancellation_Details | 10.5 |
Quote Ramp Interval | zqu__CPQX_Interval_Metrics_Collapse | 10.6 |
Quote Ramp Interval | zqu__CPQX_Interval_Metrics_Expand | 10.6 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Sidebar_Metrics_Panel | 10.8 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Quote_Detail_Charge_Display_Fields | 10.9 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_SelectBillingAccount_Quote_Info | 10.12 |
Product Rate Plan Charge | zqu__Auto_Populate_Custom_Field_Values | 10.14 |
Quote Order Line Item | zqu__CPQX_Custom_Line_Item_Fields | 10.14 |
Quote Rate Plan | zqu__CPQ_X_Display_Rate_Plan_Fields | 10.16 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Billing_Attributes | 10.16 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Discount_Modal_Pricing | 10.17 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__Nested_Discount_Charge_Display_Fields | 10.17 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Discount_Modal_Overview | 10.17 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Discount_Modal_Frequency | 10.17 |
Product Rate Plan | zqu__Product_Selector_Display_RP_Custom_Field | 10.21 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Parent_Quote_Info_CustomFields | 10.28 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Bulk_Delete_Subscriptions | 10.26 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Parent_Quote_Information | 10.26 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Subscription_Owner | 10.26 |
Quote Rate Plan | zqu__CPQX_Rate_Plan_Modal | 10.29 |
ZRule | zqu__CPQX_Rule_Fields | 10.33 |
Product Rate Plan | zqu__CPQX_Rules_Engine | 10.34 |
Product Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Rules_Engine_Custom_Fields | 10.34 |
Quote Rate Plan | zqu__CPQX_Rules_Engine_Custom_Fields | 10.34 |
Quote Rate Plan Charge | zqu__CPQX_Rules_Engine_Custom_Fields | 10.34 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Child_Quote_Information | 10.40 |
Quote | zqu__CPQX_Child_Quote_Information_CustomFields | 10.40 |
Enable Zuora Tenant Settings
If you do not intend to use the following features in Zuora, you do NOT need to perform these steps.
The following settings are enabled in your Zuora tenant first and propagated to {{zquote}}. Once a day, the Zuora settings are checked, and the settings in {{zquote}} are refreshed based on the Zuora settings. If you want to manually refresh the settings before the next scheduled, you can execute the corresponding method on the RefreshCustomSettingSchedulable class as described below the table:
Setting | Method | Introduced in Version |
Feature | refreshEntitlementPermission | 6.2 |
Bundling | refreshCpqPermissions |
7.0 See Enable Bundling in Zuora Quotes for additional steps required to use Bundling in your org. |
Rules Engine | refreshRulesEnginePermissions |
7.0 See Enable Rules Engine for additional steps required to use Rules Engine. |
Multi-Entity | refreshMultiEntityPermission | 7.40 |
Order | refreshOrdersPermission |
Single Version Subscription | refreshSingleVersionSubscriptionPermission | 10.34. To enable this feature, see Enable single version subscription. |
To immediately update a Zuora setting before the next schedule permission check happens, run the following to force the permission check:
- In Salesforce, open Developer Console.
- Navigate to Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window.
- In the Enter Apex Code window, type:
- Click Execute.
- In Zuora Quotes, click the Zuora Config tab and verify that the setting is correctly updated in the Advanced Quoting Configuration Settings.
See Advanced Quoting Configuration Settings for more information about the above settings.
Update Zuora Quotes Config Settings
The following table lists the Zuora Configuration settings that were introduced, updated, or deprecated. Configure these settings according to your organization's needs. Click the link in the Config Page column for detail information about the field in the specific config page.
Config Page | Setting Field | Changed in Version |
Change | Description |
Zuora Connection Settings |
n/a | n/a |
Update the URL to point to the latest supported Zuora WSDL version. The minimum supported version is 80. |
Default Value Settings | Calculate Quote Metrics Through | 6.0 | Added |
Used to calculate quote metrics –including Total, Tax, and Discount. Once this value is set, it must always have a value. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Auto-fill Dates for Quote Metrics Preview |
6.10 | Added |
If you want to set Service Activation Date and Customer Acceptance Date in addition to Contract Effective Date after the quote is sent to Z-Billing, enable this setting in Zuora Config. Once enabled, the setting will set a default value to Service Activation Date and Customer Acceptance Date when calculating the quote metrics. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Get Tiers From Zuora | 6.30 | Added |
Select to align quote tiers and subscription tiers in Amendment quotes. We recommend that you enable this setting. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Get Billing Accounts From 360 | 6.30 | Added | We recommend that you enable this setting with Real-time Sync also enabled. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Store Data in Quote Charge | 6.50 | Added |
Only select this option if you need to use the deprecated Quote Charge object for backward compatibility. When this option is selected, the data in Quote Rate Plan Charge will be copied to Quote Charge for New Subscription Quotes. The setting only affects data created after this option is enabled, and it does not trigger any data migration. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Apply Credit Balance | 6.50 | Added | Select to automatically apply any credit balance on a customer account to invoices. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Enable Consolidated Charge-level Reports | 6.50 | Deprecated | |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Enable Amendment Functionality | 6.50 | Deprecated |
Now to disallow users from creating quotes for Amendments, follow the steps in this article. |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Enforce Unique Subscription Quote Number | 7.43 | Added | |
Quote Configuration Settings |
Whitelist FieldSet Name | 8.2 | Added | See below. |
Advanced Quoting Configuration Settings | Maximum Rate Plans Added To Quote | 6.50 | Added |
The maximum number of rate plans can be added to Quotes in the Product Selector. |
Display Scale Settings |
List Price for Charge List Total for Charge Effective Price for Charge Total for Charge Discount for Charge |
6.30 | Added | Use the setting to define the decimal scale for displaying charges. |
Display Scale Settings |
Discount for Tier Effective Price for Tier List Price for Tier |
6.40 | Added | Use the setting to define the decimal scale for displaying tiers. |
All fields | 6.30 | Added | Add invoice template records in your Zuora tenant. | |
Communication Profile Settings | All fields | 6.30 | Added | Click the Refresh Profiles From Zuora button to automatically add communication profiles defined in your Zuora tenant. |
Hosted Payment Pages Settings | All fields | 6.30 | Added | This setting page appears after the scheduled job runs. The job checks if the Hosted Payment Pages is enabled in your Zuora tenant. |
Payment Pages Settings | All fields | 6.30 | Added | This setting page appears after the scheduled job runs. The job checks if the Payment Pages 2.0 is enabled in your Zuora tenant. |
To edit Zuora Config settings:
- Click the Config Page you want to edit in the Zuora Config tab.
- Click Edit Settings.
- Update the settings.
- Click Save.
Add Custom Fields to the White List Fieldset
If there are any customizations that use global methods to refer to Zuora Quotes custom fields, add those custom fields to the white list fieldset.
Starting in Version 8.2, Zuora Quotes tracks the custom fields in the following ways:
- Tracks the standard fields and the custom fields included in the fieldsets of the managed package.
Other custom fields included in the fieldset specified by the whitelist fieldset name in Quote Configuration Settings.
If there are any customizations that use global methods to refer to Zuora Quotes custom fields, review the customization to determine whether code changes are required before upgrading to this version.
Assign Page Layouts to User Profiles
Assign the latest page layouts listed in the following table to your quoting user profiles.
Object | Record Type | Page Layout to Use |
Quote | Master | Quote Layout - Default V8.0 |
Quote | Amendment | Quote Layout - Amendment v8.0 |
Quote | Amendment ReadOnly | Quote Layout - Amendment Read-Only v8.0 |
Quote | Default | Quote Layout - Default V8.0 |
Quote | ReadOnly | Quote Layout - Read Only v8.0 |
Quote | Renewal | Quote Layout - Renewal V8.0 |
Quote | Renewal ReadOnly | Quote Layout - Renewal Read-Only V8.0 |
Product (Salesforce object) |
n/a | Product Layout (Installed Package: Zuora for Salesforce Quotes) |
Product Rate Plan | n/a | Rate Plan Layout v7.0 |
Product Rate Plan Charge | n/a | Product Rate Plan Charge Z-Force Layout v7.0 |
To assign the page layouts to user profiles:
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects.
- Click the object
- In the Page Layouts section, click Page Layout Assignment.
- Click Edit Assignment.
- For the Quote object, click the record type column heading, such as Master, Amendment, etc.
- For the other objects, click the Page Layout column header.
- With the profile and the record type highlighted (only for Quotes), click the Page Layout To Use field, and select the page layout of each record type as shown in the above table.
- Click Save.
To update the page layout assignment for the Salesforce Product object:
- Navigate to Setup > Customize > Products > Page Layouts.
- Click Page Layout Assignment.
- Click Edit Assignment.
- On the Edit Page Layout Assignment page, click the profile.
- Click the Page Layout To Use field and select Product Layout (Installed Package: Zuora for Salesforce Quotes).
- Click Save.
Edit Quote Wizard Configuration
If you customized quoting flows and want to support Bundling and Zuora Rules Engine in the quoting process, you must use the Lightning Guided Product Selector. To use the Lightning Guided Product Selector, the quoting steps need to be assigned as below.
Subscription Type | Step # | Visualforce Page to be Assigned |
New Subscription | 1 | zqu__quoteEnhancement |
2 | zqu__CreateQuote | |
3 | zqu__EditQuoteProducts | |
Amend Subscription | 1 | zqu__quoteEnhancement |
2 | zqu__CreateQuote | |
3 | aqu__EditQuoteProducts | |
Renew Subscription | 1 | zqu__quoteEnhancement |
2 | zqu__CreateQuote | |
3 | zqu__EditQuoteProducts | |
Cancel Subscription | 1 | zqu__quoteEnhancement |
2 | zqu__ZQCancellation | |
Edit Subscription | 1 | zqu__quoteEnhancement |
2 | zqu_CreateQuote | |
Edit Amendment | 1 | zqu_CreateQuote |
Edit Renewal | 1 | zqu_CreateQuote |
Make the following changes in the Quote Wizard Configuration for each subscription type:
- Click Quote Wizard Settings in the Zuora Config tab.
- Click Edit to update the Quote Wizard Configuration for each subscription type as below.
- Click Restore to Defaults to use the new pages.
- Select the Display Progress Bar check box to enable the progress bar.
- Click Save after making changes to each subscription type.
If you need to continue using the old product selector, follow the steps below to revert to the old product selector.
Edit Search Layouts
Add the New Quote Button to Quote List View
In Q1 '14 release, we introduced the ability to create a new quote without an opportunity. Add the New Quote button to the Quote List Layout to provide the functionality to your quoting users.
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects > Quote.
- In the Search Layouts section, click Edit next to Quote List View.
- In the Custom Buttons section, move New Quote from the Available Buttons list to Selected Buttons list.
- Click Save.
Edit Page Layouts
Object | Page Layout | Field |
Quote (zqu__Quote__c) |
Quote Charge Summary (zqu__QuoteChargeSummary__c) |
Quote Rate Plan Charge (zqu__QuoteRatePlanCharge__c) |
Add the new metrics fields to the Quote Detail pages if you have the Order permission enabled in your org:
- Navigate to Setup > Create > Quote.
- In the Page Layouts section, click Edit next to the page.
- In the Related Lists section, drag and drop Quote Charge Details to the Related Lists section.
- In the Related Lists section, click the wrench icon for Quote Charge Details.
- In the Related List Properties dialog, add the new charge metrics fields to the Selected Fields list.
- Click OK.
- Click Save.
- Repeat Step #2 - #7 for each Quote pages listed in the table above.
Check Post-installation Job Status
After the installation has completed, post-installation scripts automatically start. The following table contains those post-installation jobs and the version they are introduced in.
If you are upgrading from a version higher than what is specified in the Introduced in Version column, you do not need to review the particular Apex job.
Post-installation Apex Job | Introduced in Version | Comment |
TermsAndConditionsMigration | 6.1 | See below. |
QuoteRatePlanChargeMigration | 6.1 | |
QuoteChargesSummaryMigration | 6.1 | |
QuoteMigration | 6.1 |
Populates the two new fields introduced in 6.1:
PopulateGuidedSellingFlows | 6.2 | |
PopulateGuidedSellingFlowsMigration | 6.3 | |
ZuoraQuotesUpgradeConversion6_51 | 6.52 | See below. |
QuoteRatePlanChargeProductNameMigration | 7.4 |
Populates the Product Name and Rate Plan Name fields in the Quote Rate Plan Charge objects if the fields are empty. See below. |
To check the status of the post-installation jobs:
- Navigate to Setup > Administration Setup > Monitoring > Apex Jobs and verify that the jobs have completed.
- The above post-installation jobs will be listed as ChainedJob in the Apex Jobs table.
- If ChainedJob failed, navigate to Setup > Administration Setup > Monitoring > Debug Logs to see detailed information of the failure or error.
- If you cannot find any helpful information in Debug Logs, contact Zuora Global Support for assistance.
When you fix the error, manually run the script in the Developer Console:
- Click your username and select Developer Console.
- In Developer Consoler, navigate to Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window.
- In the Enter Apex Code window, get the Apex job name from the table above, enter the following Apex, and click Execute:
Database.executeBatch(new zqu.Apex_job_name());
For example:
Database.executeBatch(new zqu.QuoteRatePlanChargeProductNameMigration());
- Navigate to Setup > Administration Setup > Monitoring > Apex Jobs and verify that the specific job is running.
Terms and Conditions Migration
The TermsAndConditionsMigration job populates the new terms and conditions fields that were added to all Amendment and Renewal quotes. The new fields are used to support the new Terms and Conditions amendment enhancement. Because the migration job uses the terms and conditions values from Zuora 360 for the existing Amendment and Renewal subscription quotes, for this migration job to work successfully, a Zuora 360 sync session must be completed prior to upgrading.
Quote Rate Plan Charge Product Name Migration
The QuoteRatePlanChargeProductNameMigration migration script populates the Product Name and Rate Plan Name fields in the Quote Rate Plan Charge objects if the fields are empty.
- If you are upgrading from the Version 7.x, you need to manually execute the migration script in Developer Console as described above.
- If you are upgrading from the Version 6.x or earlier, after the installation completes, the post-installation script will automatically start to migrate quote rate plan charges.
Quote Charge Data Migration
You only need to run this migration job if you need to maintain a backward compatibility with the deprecated Quote Charge object.
Due to the Quote object refactoring, the New Subscription quotes that were saved in previous versions of Zuora Quotes will not be accessible in this version. The ZuoraQuotesUpgradeConversion6_51 job migrates the New Subscription quote data from the Quote Charge object to the Quote Rate Plan Charge object. You must run the script as a System Administrator.
This migration script will temporarily disable the Store Data in Quote Charge configuration setting while the script is running. You should not enable this setting while the migration script is running.
- Disable any custom triggers or validations in your org.
- Open Developer Console.
- Navigate to Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window.
- Enter the following Apex code in the Enter Apex Code window:
zqu.ZuoraQuotesUpgradeConversion6_51 zuc =
new zqu.ZuoraQuotesUpgradeConversion6_51();
ID batchprocessid = Database.executeBatch(zuc);
- Click Execute.
- Navigate to Setup > Administration Setup > Monitoring > Apex Jobs and verify that the above job is running.
- Disabled customer triggers or validations can now be re-enabled.
If all of the following conditions apply to a quote, the quote will not be migrated by the script:
1. A product, a rate plan, or a rate plan charge was removed from the Product Catalog in Zuora.
2. The Product Catalog was rebuilt in Zuora CPQ by a Sync Cleanup followed by a fresh Product Catalog Sync from Zuora.
3. The Quote and Quote Charges include the product, the rate plan, or the charge removed in Step #1.
If your current version is 6.50, 6.60, or 7.1.x, you must manually run the migration script in the following scenario:
- You have not run the migration script introduced in Version 6.51.
- Your migration script failed with an error.
Review for Time Zone Support
If you have made any customization in Zuora Quotes, you need to perform the following for the dateTime type fields changes and time zone support in Zuora.
- Upgrade the WSDL version in the Zuora Connection Setting to 80 or higher.
- Review Date Field Changes in the SOAP API for the list of affected fields whose type was changed from dateTime to Date.
- Update your code to reflect the type changes to avoid errors or date mismatching.
Rev Rec Changes
The Rev Rec Code field on the Product Rate Plan Charge object was changed as below to be compatible with the Rev Rec Code in Zuora:
- The old Rev Rec Code field (zqu__RevRecCode__c) was deprecated.
- A new Rev Rec Code field (zqu__RevRecCode2__c) was added as the Picklist type.
If you are using the Rev Rec feature in Zuora and Zuora Quotes, perform a Product Catalog Sync from Zuora to Salesforce to apply the Rev Rec Code field changes.
If you are using Bundling, you need to temporarily disable the Enable Bundling setting in your tenant, perform a Product Catalog Sync, and turn back the setting on after the sync completes. Contact Zuora Global Support to disable and re-enable Bundling.
Update Entity Id
Starting in Zuora Quotes, Version 7.4, the Entity Ids, namely EntityID and ParentEntityID, on the Entity object use the 32-character UUID.
If you are upgrading from a version between 7.2 and 7.32 of Zuora Quotes, remove the records with the old entity Id format as below:
- Delete any Billing Entity record with the 4-digit entity id with the following query in Developer Console:
SELECT Id, zqu__EntityId__c FROM zqu__BillingEntity__c - Perform both the Product Catalog Sync and the Accounts and Related Objects Sync to sync over the new Entity ID values to the corresponding object fields in Zuora for Salesforce.
Review the Scheduled Jobs for Refresh Custom Settings
If you upgrade to Quotes 9.8 or a later version, the Refresh Custom Settings job in the Setup > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs will be deleted. If you still want to start the scheduled job that recurringly refreshes the custom settings, you can set it up manually:
- Open Developer Console.
- Navigate to Debug > Open Execute Anonymous Window.
- Enter the following Apex code in the Enter Apex Code window:
zqu.RefreshCustomSettingSchedulable refreshSchedulable = new zqu.RefreshCustomSettingSchedulable();
System.schedule('Refresh Custom Settings', '0 0 0 * * ?', refreshSchedulable); - Click Execute.
- Navigate to Setup > Jobs > Scheduled Jobs and verify that the above job is running.