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zquery Method


zquery Method


This article describes the Order Builder zquery() method. The zquery() method uses theZuora query() method to execute a ZOQL query.


List<zObject> zquery (String zoql)

Input Parameters

The zquery() method takes the following input parameter.

Parameter Type Description
zoql String The ZOQL query to be executed. See Query Statement Examples for more information.


The zquery() method returns a zApi.QueryResult object that contains the query results in the records field.


The QueryResult object has the following properties.

Property Type Description
done Boolean Indicates whether the query is complete (true) or not (false). You can use this value as a loop condition while iterating through the results of your query.
queryLocator String If done is false, this value can be passed to the zqueryMore() method to retrieve the next series of records.
records List An array of zObjects of the appropriate type (Product, Account, Invoice, etc.), containing the requested data.
size Integer The number of rows retrieved. If size is equal to zero, then no rows were retrieved.


The zquery() method uses the following exception classes to catch the exception when an error occurs in the call:

  • zAPIException
  • zForceException
  • zRemoteException

Sample Code

// zApiInstance should be instantiated and the login() method must
// have been invoked prior to invoking any other method on the
// object

try {
    String zoql = 'SELECT Id, Name from Account Where ID =\'4028e69926e9852f0126ead18246043f\'';
    List<Zuora.zObject> zobjs = zApiInstance.zquery(zoql);
    for (Zuora.zObject o : zobjs) {
        String aname = (String)o.getValue('Name');
        //more code here...
    } catch (Zuora.zRemoteException ex) {
    if ('INVALID_FIELD' == ex.code) {
        // An invalid field was specified
        //more code here...
        } else {
        //more code here...
    } catch (Zuora.zAPIException ex) {
    //more code here...
    } catch (Zuora.zForceException ex) {
    //more code here...