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Prerequisites for Using CPQ X

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Prerequisites for Using CPQ X

Outlines the important factors that need to be taken into account as prerequisites for utilizing CPQ X.

Before utilizing CPQ X, there are certain prerequisites that should be considered. These prerequisites ensure a smooth implementation and usage of CPQ X within your organization. 

To use the CPQ X UI (Quote Studio), you must meet the following requirements:

Other considerations for using CPQ X

  • Support for Multi-entity: the one Zuora entity to one Salesforce organization relationship does not need extra configuration. However, the multiple Zuora entities to one Salesforce organization relationship requires that you enable the Billing Entities tab, add all entities you want to connect to this org, and select a default entity so that product catalogs can be appropriately filtered. See Connect multiple Billing entities to one Salesforce org for more information.
  • Rules defined through the rules engine are not inherently supported in CPQ X for any scenario where multiple segments exist on a charge, such as ramp deals and future dated actions. See Rules engine limitations for the limitations of the rules engine, and see Rules engine for Quote Studio for how to enable rules in CPQ X.
  • Behavioral difference between the legacy quoting UI (CPQ 9) and Quote Studio UI (CPQ X) for amendment and renewal quotes: 
    • CPQ X loads subscription rate plan charge tiers from the original subscription regardless of the Get Tiers From Zuora setting in Quote Configuration Settings.
    • The legacy quoting UI (CPQ 9) loads subscription rate plan charge tiers from the original subscription when the Get Tiers From Zuora setting is enabled, and loads tiers data from the Zuora Product Catalog when this setting is disabled. 
  • By default, CPQ X calls the Preview an order API every time a change is made to the quote, which triggers a tax engine call if the products are set up to be taxed. It can increase tax engine fees if you are using any tax engine other than Zuora Tax because most tax providers charge by the number of API calls. To minimize the number of API calls, you can enable the on-demand metrics preview feature. See Enable Preview On Demand for more information.
  • CPQ X does not support custom fields marked as required at the field level. The user can create custom fields and mark them as required in the fieldset.
  • CPQ X does not support adding custom fieldsets as new sections in Quote Studio. It is supported only in legacy CPQ. As an alternative to adding custom fieldsets, CPQ X provides the option to use the existing Additional Fields fieldsets and relabel them to add new sections in the UI. For more information, see Customize labels and Customize fieldsets.
  • Not all CPQ 9 Plugins and components are supported by CPQ X. Many of these legacy components were created to extend what legacy CPQ could do and no longer fit into CPQ X.
    • CPQ X can be extended using the Extensibility Framework.
    • In addition, there are several native CPQ X plugins, including:
      • Default Values Plugin
      • Custom Action Plugin (which replaces the legacy JavaScript Plugin)
  • CPQ X will periodically be updated with more plugin support if the need arises and the plugin use case is not natively supported. We welcome your feedback in the Zuora Community if you need a plugin that is not available in CPQ X.