Before you start
Zephr is, primarily, a decision engine. It is designed to make granular, high-scale decisions about which parts of your content a visitor can see or how that content should be manipulated.
Typically, the Zephr CDN is used to implement the Decision Engine. That is, Zephr operates as a reverse proxy to your content (which could be HTML, for example) and will manipulate the content as it passes through, based upon the results from the Decision Engine.
Zephr also comes with a customizable identity management module (IDM), which allows registration, authentication, custom user schemas, corporate accounts and a bunch of other features. The IDM works seamlessly with the Decision Engine, allowing identity-based decisions out of the box.
Zephr Modules and Settings
Refer to the following list if you are looking for documents on specific functionality or settings:
- Use the following Zephr Modules to manage major functionalities:
- Products: Where you transform the content of your site using our Rules Builder, and create registration and payment forms to help monetise your content.
- Delivery: For our CDN users, this is where you configure your sites and site groups to determine which sites run through the Zephr CDN.
- Identity: Where you find everything about your registered users and set the user attributes you’ll store against them.
- B2B: Where you can whitelist specific IP addresses to enable access across your business, set up Companies & Accounts for your clients purchasing bulk subscriptions, and create Trusted Referrers.
- Along with the Zephr Modules, you can configure your Zephr console from the following setting sections:
- Settings: Your area to configure your Zephr setup, including sections for Bucket Tests, Email Templates, Payment Providers, Content APIs, Webhooks, Plugins, JWT tokens, Web Analytics and more.
- Admin User Settings: This shows you who you’re logged in as and lets you create new Admin Users, Roles, and API key pairs.