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Site Groups


Site Groups

You can group sites to simplify their management. Grouping sites allows you to do the following:

  • Create custom user journeys for a series of sites without adding a decision node for each site
  • Create products and subscription packages that are available to all site in the site group

For example, you group your News sites in a News site group and your Data sites in a Data site group. In your feature rule you include a check to determine the site accessed by the end user. This decision has the following results:

  • If they are accessing a site in the Data site group, a content trial is offered
  • If they are accessing a News site, a content trial is not offered

Note: Zephr recommends that you create your sites before creating your site groups. For further information on creating sites, see Add a Site.

Add a Site Group

To add a site group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Delivery from the main menu
  2. Select Site Groups from the menu options

    The Site Groups screen displays. If you have already created any sites that use the Zephr CDN, they are listed at the bottom of the screen.

  3. Select the Add A Group button

    The Add a Group dialog box displays.

  4. Enter a name for your site group in the Title text box
  5. Select the Continue button to save your site group and return to the Site Groups screen. Selecting the Cancel button displays the Site Groups screen without adding the group

Your site group is added to the list of site groups.

You can now add your sites or create site groups to add to the site group.

Add Sites to Your Site Group

You can add sites, or additional site groups, to your site group.

Add Sites

To add individual sites, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the site group name from the Browse Site Groups and Sites section

    The site group information displays.

  2. Select the Add Sites button

    The Add Sites dialog box displays.

  3. Select the site, or sites to add to the site group

    If you have a lot of sites, you can search for specific terms using the Search text box.

    You can select sites in the following ways:

    • Select the checkbox beside the site, or sites, you want to add
    • Select the Select All checkbox to select all sites
  4. Select the Continue button to save your updates and return to the Site Groups screen. Selecting the Cancel button displays the Site Groups screen without making any changes

Add Site Groups

To add site groups to your site group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the site group name from the Browse Site Groups and Sites section

    The site group information displays.

  2. Select the Add A Group button

    The Add a Group dialog box displays.

  3. Enter a name for your site group in the Title text box
  4. Select the Continue button to add the group and return to the Site Groups screen. Selecting the Cancel button displays the Site Groups screen without adding the group

Edit a Site Group

You can edit the name of your site group, or the sites and site groups in your site group.

Edit the Name

To edit the name of the site group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Delivery from the main menu
  2. Select Site Groups from the menu options

    The Site Groups screen displays.

  3. Select the edit icon in the top right of the Browse Site Groups and Sites section
  4. Select the edit icon beside the site group you want to edit
  5. Update the name in the Title text box
  6. Select the Continue button to save your changes and return to the Site Groups screen. Selecting the Cancel button displays the Site Groups screen without saving

Edit the Sites

To edit the sites or site groups in your site group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Delivery from the main menu
  2. Select Site Groups from the menu options

    The Site Groups screen displays.

  3. Select the site group name from the Browse Site Groups and Sites section
  4. Make the required changes

Delete a Site Group

To delete a site group, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Delivery from the main menu
  2. Select Site Groups from the menu options
  3. Select the checkbox beside the site group, or groups, you want to delete
  4. Select the delete icon in the top right of the Browse Site Groups and Sites section
  5. Select the Delete button to delete the site group and return to the Site Groups screen. Selecting the Cancel button displays the Site Groups screen without deleting any site groups