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Create a Custom Email Template


Create a Custom Email Template

To create a custom email template, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Settings icon (Settings Icon)
  2. Select Email Templates

    The Email Template Library screen displays, as illustrated below:


  3. Select the Add a New Email Template button
  4. Enter a name for the email template in the Title text box
  5. Select the type of template to create from the Type menu

    The options are described in the following table:

    Option Description
    Pages User Email Update The email sent when an end user updates their email address on a Zephr Preference Centre page
    Pages User Password Reset The email sent when an end user resets their password on a Zephr Preference Centre page
    User 2FA Authentication The email sent when an end user logs in to a site that uses two-factor authentication
    The supplied six-digit code allows the end user to authenticate their account
    User 2FA Password Reset The email sent when an end user resets their password on a site that uses two-factor authentication
    The supplied six-digit code allows the end user to complete their password reset
    User Email Update The email sent when an end user has updated the email address that they use to access your site
    User Email Update Interstitial The email sent to allow an end user to confirm a change to their email address when email verification is required


    For further information on using email verification for authentication, see the Authentication topic

    User Email Verification The email sent when an end user registers on your site to confirm their email address
    User Oversubscription Notification The email sent to the Account Manager when their company account becomes oversubscribed


    For further information on oversubscription on your site, see the Companies & Accounts topic

    User Password Reset The email sent when an end user resets their password on your site, which uses the Zephr Identity Store
    User Passwordless Authentication The email sent to supply the login link when an end user logs in to your site, which uses passwordless authentication


    For further information on passwordless authentication, see the Passwordless Authentication topic

    Product Sharing Invite The email sent to the specified email address, or addresses, to invite the recipient to join the subscriber’s shared product


    The {{invite-link}} attribute is required, and is used to direct invitees to a page that allows them to accept the invitation and login or register. The {{sharing-id}} path parameter is used to identify the email invitation being accepted

    You can also use the meta data defined in your user attribute mappings. The field name is alphanumeric and can be specified using the following Available Template Variable, where the * is replaced with the field name:


    For example, {{invite-meta-data-first-name}}

    For further information on shareable products, see the Offer Shareable Products example

    Product Sharing Removed – Owner The email sent to the customer who owns the shared product when a member of that shared product is removed
    Product Sharing Removed – Member The email sent to the member of a shared product when their access has been removed
  6. Enter the text to include in the subject of the email in the Subject text box
  7. Select the method to use in creating the email text from the Content Edit Mode radio buttons. The options are as follows:
    • Visual
    • HTML

    Visual is selected by default.

    Note: If you select HTML, anything you have entered in the Visual edit mode will be coded in HTML as appropriate. However, you cannot move back to the Visual edit mode without losing your content.

    A confirmation dialog displays, as illustrated below:


    Note: If you switch back to the Visual edit mode, any changes made in the HTML edit mode cannot be transferred and your changes are lost.

    A confirmation dialog box displays, as illustrated below:


    Select the Yes, Continue! button to switch edit mode and return to the edit email template screen. Selecting the Cancel button closes the dialog box without switching the edit mode.

  8. Enter the body of the email in the text box

    The variables that you can include in your template are provided in the Available Template Variables code box. Zephr replaces the variables with the appropriate text in your email. For example, the {{password-reset-form}} variable is replaced with the URL of your password reset form and the {{password-reset-target}} variable is replaced with the URL to which the form redirects after the password request is submitted.

    Note: If you want to format the text, for example to include a heading or a format the text using a table, use the formatting bar at the top of the text box.

  9. Select the Save button to save your changes and return to the Email Template Library screen