Feature versioning
You can version control your features.
You can see all your features listed in the Features screen, with details of the latest version, as illustrated below:
You can click on a feature to view the feature details.
From this screen, you can perform the following:
- Search a version by its version number or description.
- Add or modify the description for each version.
- View the status of a version. Versions can be deployed across various environments, retaining their status when promoted to new ones. However, the non-live environments won't automatically showcase the live version rules.
- Push changes to various environments.
- Edit a version
You can update any version of your feature. When updating a draft version, you can select either to save the changes to the existing version or to create a new version. For versions in other statuses, a new version is created when you save the changes so that the previous version can be retained.
- Stage a version.
Only one version of a feature can have a status of Staged. If you stage a different version, the status of the previously staged version falls back to the status it had before staging; that is, either draft or Previously Published.
- Preview a staged version to ensure that the feature looks and behaves in the manner you require before going live.
You can preview the version of your feature with a current status of Staged. The preview shows how the feature would appear on your website if made live.
- Publish a version with the current status of Staged from the Versions screen. Alternatively, you can save a new version and publish it directly when adding or editing a feature. For further information on adding a feature, see the Add a Feature topic. For further information on editing a feature, see the Edit a Feature topic.
Only one version of a feature can have the status of Live. If you publish a different version, the status of the previously-staged version changes to Previously Published. This occurs whether you publish the version using the Save as New Version & Publish button when adding or editing the feature or by selecting the option from the feature version menu.
- Unpublish the version of your feature with the current status of Live. If you unpublish a version, the status changes to Previously Published. Unpublishing a version means that no version of the feature is live.
- Delete a version. This action cannot be reverted.