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Manage access permission for features


Manage access permission for features

You can manage the user access permissions at the feature level to make sure only the relevant users have access to a feature.

A feature can be in one of the following access statuses:

  1. Allow All: All the users who have a role that enables the Products Module privileges can access this feature. 
  2. Restricted Access: You can enable or disable access to this feature for users who have a role that enables the Products Module privileges. 


  1. Allow All is the default status when a feature is created.
  2. The Owner and Administrator users can always access all the features.
  3. To give a user the proper access to a feature, you need to also make sure that the user has a role containing the desired Products Module privileges.

For example, if a user has a role that enables the Products Module privilege but disables all the sub-privileges under it, the user can only view the feature after being added to the access list of the feature. Specific sub-privileges should be enabled to allow for a higher level of permission.

For more information about User Roles, See Roles.


Before giving a user access to a feature, the user must have already been assigned a role that contains the Products Module privileges. 

Otherwise, they couldn't be given access to specific features.

Manage access permission for a feature

To manage user access for a feature, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Products > Features.

  2. You can view the current general access status under the Access column. 

To manage access permission for a feature, click the More Actions icon, and then click Access Permissions. Alternatively, enter a feature by clicking the title of it, and then click Access Permissions.

  1. Under the General Access section, select whether to make the feature accessible to all users or to just users on the access list.

  2. If Restricted is specified, a list of users who have access will be displayed in alphabetical order.


To give a user access, use the search bar to search for the email of the user, and then click the email from the dropdown list.

  1. Repeat Step 4 to give more users access.

  2. Click Save.

You can use the Remove button to remove a user from the access list.