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Manage linked devices form

  • 日本語のコンテンツは機械翻訳されており、補助的な参照を目的としています。機械翻訳の精度は保証できません。英語版が正となります。また、現時点では検索機能は日本語での検索をサポートしていません。翻訳に関するフィードバックについては、docs@zuora.comに送信してください。

Manage linked devices form

  1. Navigate to Delivery > Component Library > Add Component > Account Management > Devices.
  2. Enter the following details:
    Field Your Action
    Title Enter a name for the page.
    Slug Modify the Slug field as needed. The slug cannot be changed once the contact form is saved.
    Description Enter a description for the form, if required.
    Language Select the language in which you want the form to be displayed, for example, Japanese.
    Devices Modify the pre-configured form as required. You can also add custom text to the form using the Text option. If no devices are linked, you can display a configured message. The form will list all devices that have accessed the user's account under "Your Devices," highlighting the Current Device and displaying the Login Time for each session.
    CSS Configuration Click to enter your preferred CSS code to tailor the page to your specifications. Click Done to save your configurations.
  3. Click Save.