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Invite an Admin User


Invite an Admin User

To invite a team member to the Zephr Admin Console, complete the following steps:

  1. Select the Admin User Settings icon, which is located at the top right of all screens
  2. Select Admin Users

    The Admin Users page displays.

  3. Select the Invite A User button

    The Invite a User dialog box displays.

  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite in the Email Address text box
  5. Select the role to assign to the user from the Role drop-down menu. The menu options are populated based on the available user roles

    Note: If you want to create user roles, you must define them as described in the Add a Role topic.

  6. Select the Invite button to send an email containing an activation link to the specified email address. Selecting the Cancel button closes the dialog box without sending an invitation

If the user has never used Zephr before, they must follow the link in the email. On the landing page, they must select Register and complete the Zephr registration. Once registered they can log in using their newly-created credentials, and their details are added to the Admin Users screen.

If the user has used Zephr before, they can log in after following the activation link.

For further information on signing in to the Admin Console, see the Two-factor Authentication for Admin Users topic.