Data layer event names and custom definitions
Common custom definitions for all events
All events share the following common custom definitions:
- formType (string) – Possible values: Payment, Change_Subscription, Registration, Contact, Data_Capture, Complete_Registration, Update_Profile, Cancel_Subscription, List_Subscriptions, Devices
- formId (string)
- ruleId (string)
- outcomeId (string)
The following table provides details on each event, including the form that triggers the event, when it occurs, and any custom definitions specific to that event:
Event Name | Form That Triggers the Event | Trigger | Custom Definitions |
Form Events | |||
zephr_form_render | All | On form render | None |
zephr_form_view | All | On detect form view | None |
zephr_form_section_change | All | On every form section change | sectionId: string, previousSectionId: string, partId: string, previousPartId: string |
zephr_form_button_press | All | On any button press | sectionId: string, buttonType: string |
zephr_form_input_change | All | On detecting a change in an input | inputName: string, field: string, sectionId: string |
zephr_form_input_blur | All | On losing input focus | inputName: string, field: string, sectionId: string |
zephr_form_input_focus | All | On input focus | inputName: string, field: string, sectionId: string |
zephr_form_submitted | All | On completing the form’s final step | None |
zephr_form_error | All | On any error received during the flow | error: string |
Payment Events | |||
zephr_form_payment_option_selected | Payment, Change Subscription, Cancel Subscription | On selecting a product for purchase | productId: string, planId: string, price: number |
zephr_form_payment_failure | Payment, Change Subscription, Cancel Subscription | On receiving an error while completing a payment | reason: string |
zephr_form_purchase | Payment, Change Subscription, Cancel Subscription | On successfully completed purchase | productId: string, planId: string, price: number |
Authentication Events | |||
zephr_form_login | Login/Register, Payment | On login attempts (both successful and unsuccessful) | success: boolean |
zephr_form_register | Login/Register, Payment | On registration attempt (both successful and unsuccessful) | success: boolean |
zephr_form_password_reset_code_sent | Login/Register, Payment | On clicking the Forgot Password button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_password_reset_code_validate | Login/Register, Payment | On clicking the Verify Password Reset Code button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_password_reset | Login/Register, Payment | On password reset flow completion | success: boolean |
zephr_form_email_update_code_sent | Update Profile | On clicking the Update Email button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_email_update_code_validate | Update Profile | On clicking the Verify Email Update Code button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_password_update_code_sent | Update Profile | On clicking the Update Password button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_password_update_code_validate | Update Profile | On clicking the Verify Password Update Code button. | success: boolean |
zephr_form_profile_update | Update Profile | On submitting the update profile form. | success: boolean, attr_{attribute_name}: any |
zephr_form_data_capture | Data Capture | On submitting the data capture form. | success: boolean, attr_{attribute_name}: any |
zephr_form_complete_registration | Complete Registration | On submitting the complete registration form. | success: boolean, attr_{attribute_name}: any |
Device and Subscription Events | |||
zephr_form_device_logout | Devices | On clicking the Device Sign Out button. | deviceId: string |
zephr_form_sign_out_all_devices | Devices | On clicking the Sign Out All Decives button. | None |
zephr_form_subscription_change | Change Subscription, Cancel Subscription | On successful subscription change | None |
zephr_form_payment_method_changed | List Subscription | On successfully changing the payment method. | None |
zephr_form_billing_history_view | List Subscription | On clicking the Billing History link. | None |
zephr_form_subscription_change_clicked | List Subscription | On clicking the Change Subscription link. | productId: string, planId: string |
zephr_form_cancel_subscription_clicked | List Subscription | On clicking the Cancel Subscription link. | productId: string, planId: string |
zephr_form_subscription_cancel | Cancel Subscription | On successfully cancelling a subscription. | productId: string, productLabel: string, currency: string, amount: string |
zephr_form_subscription_cancel_reason | Cancel Subscription | On successfully cancelled subscription including reason attributes | productId: string, attr_{attribute_name}: any |
zephr_form_subscription_cancel_accept_offer | Cancel Subscription | On accepting saved offers from cancel subscription flow. | canceledProductId: string, acceptedProductId: string, productLabel: string, currency: string, amount: number |