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View and Update a User's Details


View and Update a User's Details

When you have added users, the following information is summarised at the top of the screen:

  • Total number of users
  • Number of new users in the previous seven days
  • Number of inactive users

A list of registered users displays under this summary, ordered by the date the user was created in Zephr.


To view a user’s details, complete the following steps:

  1. Select Identity from the main menu
  2. Select Users from the menu options
  3. Select the user from the list, or use the filter to find the user. For further information on using the filter, see the Search or Filter the User List topicThe User Details screen displays.The following information is summarised at the top of the screen:
    • The time and date on which the user registered
    • The Zephr tracking ID for the user

    You can also see the user’s email address and details of their sessions, as illustrated below:


    From the User Details screen, you can update the user details as follows:

  4. When you have finished updating the user details, select the Save button to save all your changes and return to the Users screen