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Password Strength Requirements


Password Strength Requirements

It is increasingly common for companies to have Password Requirements for end-users registering to their sites. When using the Zephr Identity Store as your site Identity Management, Zephr allows you to set password strength requirements via a simple configuration.

Configuring Password Strength Requirements

Navigate to Settings > Identity Management within the Zephr Admin Console, then scroll down to the Password Strength Requirements section.

Here you will see a number of check boxes, a number input field, and a text box. Use these to set your strength requirements, and the error Users will see when they do not meet these requirements. Your options include:

  • Require at least one number
  • Require at least one uppercase letter
  • Require at least one of the following special characters: !”#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
  • Minimum number of characters

Once you have set these fields, use the text box field to set the error message you wish to have shown to users when they attempt to register or change their password to a password that does not meet your requirements.

Click Save.

Once saved, Users registering to your site, or changing their existing password, will need to meet the password requirements you have set. If the new password does not meet these criteria, the error message will display.

Note that these password requirements will be in place for all types of registration where a password must be added by the End User. As such, if you are using a UI Component to build a Registration Form, ensure you display the requirements to the User so they are aware of them when setting a password. The error message entered above will only display automatically on out-of-the-box Zephr Registration Forms. To use Zephr’s out-of-the-box registration forms, ready our Building a Registration Form guide.